+sniffle+ i really don't want to work for nine hours on three and a half hours of sleep. i'm one of those people where if i don't get a least seven, i'm in trouble. that, and my sinuses have been massively blocked for three days
what can i say? my best friend's mom died on monday and i didn't find out til thursday. so i went over to his house to keep him company (and drink a lot:p) and of course no one went to bed til around four am. so yeah. he's one of those people who can't emote sadness- literally, i don't think he's even cried yet. or if he has, no one saw it. she was sick for so long, i think he takes comfort in knowing she's at rest.
on a less depressing note, it was a year ago today that at a giant festival in my hometown known as In The Streets, my fellow peaceful protestors and I chased some crazy-related-to-Fred Phelps-bible-thumping-homophobes down the effing street. we let them know they weren't welcome. good times.
i'm really sorry if i haven't been good about responding to messages or comments, or shit even checking up on everyone else's blogs to make sure they're not dead, but this move is kicking my ass. and now i have a cold and i'm still not donw with the boxes, and i have a test to study for and a paper to write
but i did see Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist last night. so stinkin cute.
xoxo, Aileen

on a less depressing note, it was a year ago today that at a giant festival in my hometown known as In The Streets, my fellow peaceful protestors and I chased some crazy-related-to-Fred Phelps-bible-thumping-homophobes down the effing street. we let them know they weren't welcome. good times.
i'm really sorry if i haven't been good about responding to messages or comments, or shit even checking up on everyone else's blogs to make sure they're not dead, but this move is kicking my ass. and now i have a cold and i'm still not donw with the boxes, and i have a test to study for and a paper to write

but i did see Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist last night. so stinkin cute.
xoxo, Aileen
I traded my bass guitar for that corset lol.
honestly, I'm hooked. You are on the hook for saying it every Monday. Deal?!
Happy Monday to you too