hello all...i just wanted to say thanks to all the new (and old) faces who have commented and friend requested me in the last few days. popularity counts for something on the site, right?
but really, everyone has had nice things to say and given excellent advice, so...thanks!
phenomena i've discovered: *ahem!* when you have money, its just another day. you're barely fazed by the normal expenses and the shopping part is nice, too. but when you don't have money, i.e. me lol, its the driving force created by men out to crush your every wish and whim? yeah, well...i'm starting to remember life before starbucks and i'm tempted to go back. i've also been thinking about temp agencies, but i need a resume' to hook that up, and i'm still perfecting it. there's also my lovely filmclip's downtown fun shop Cinegraphic Studios! i'll be there as the juice girl/overseer of sex toys at the grand opening of the big bad store on april fools...if you're in the frederick area, stop by!
besides money woes, i am beyond content. spring break has given me the chance to concentrate on some important stuffs. like...not worrying about whether or not i'm single, a budget, my schoolwork, cleaning my house inside out, yada yada.
season 5 of the l word ends this sunday
season 6 will be the last season...if you don't believe me check the showtime website-they WILL be tying up all the loose ends (carmen comeback? lets hope, ladies!)...or so they say.

phenomena i've discovered: *ahem!* when you have money, its just another day. you're barely fazed by the normal expenses and the shopping part is nice, too. but when you don't have money, i.e. me lol, its the driving force created by men out to crush your every wish and whim? yeah, well...i'm starting to remember life before starbucks and i'm tempted to go back. i've also been thinking about temp agencies, but i need a resume' to hook that up, and i'm still perfecting it. there's also my lovely filmclip's downtown fun shop Cinegraphic Studios! i'll be there as the juice girl/overseer of sex toys at the grand opening of the big bad store on april fools...if you're in the frederick area, stop by!
besides money woes, i am beyond content. spring break has given me the chance to concentrate on some important stuffs. like...not worrying about whether or not i'm single, a budget, my schoolwork, cleaning my house inside out, yada yada.
season 5 of the l word ends this sunday

Ooh Starbucks, nice. I love it but I don't think I could work there, I'd probably be fired for drinking on the job haha.
I am a locksmith and mechanic and all I hear all day is people bitching.....so I try not to bitch myself...BUT NOT HAVING MONEY DRIVES ME APE SHIT! There. I got it out. I know how you feel. Uh and I also am addicted to the L Word.