I am so tired. I got 3 hours of sleep two days ago, then walked around in the woods all day. Then I came in to work again until 11 p.m. yesterday. I worked like 20 hours straight yesterday.
Last night I got 5 hours of sleep. Eight hours in two days, yes! Today, I woke up at 20 min. to 7:00. I freaked out because I wanted to take a shower, threw a bandana on my head and ran into work. I put some makeup on but my eyes are all baggy and red. I probably look like I got hit by a bus. Great day to ask a guy out.
On a happier note, I am listening to Benny Benassi! Doododododododododododododoodoodoodo. I'll be back in Marquette tonight to meet with folks for the Five-Star Energy Home story I'm doing. Ugh, two days of driving to Marquette is too much.
Last night I got 5 hours of sleep. Eight hours in two days, yes! Today, I woke up at 20 min. to 7:00. I freaked out because I wanted to take a shower, threw a bandana on my head and ran into work. I put some makeup on but my eyes are all baggy and red. I probably look like I got hit by a bus. Great day to ask a guy out.

On a happier note, I am listening to Benny Benassi! Doododododododododododododoodoodoodo. I'll be back in Marquette tonight to meet with folks for the Five-Star Energy Home story I'm doing. Ugh, two days of driving to Marquette is too much.