The zombie walk was a fabulously good time. I can't get most of my pics on here due to the size. I'm going to have to tweek them a bit, but for the time being here are a few.
It's finally here!!!
Tanner and I attempting to display our varying fighting styles. Who would have thought we'd have a random theme? Not I.

There were zombies of all shapes and size, some with themes and some just showed up to play your average neighborhood zombie. The turn out was great and we managed to raise over 500 food items for a local shelter! It was time for one last blood soaking then we were off.
I was just a smidge bloody..

We walked all over the city, I can't get some of the pics up that I'd like. Needless to say a couple hours later we suffled into the bar to let off some steam.
Everyone loves a drunken zombie!

Yeah... It was a dare we couldn't resist.
Back to the fun

This would be Zach, my boxing instructer. He's a great guy and hoot to have around
Needless to say, after the bar closed down, we piled into several cars and made a 24hour burrito run to Panchos.
I love me some drunken burritos. Then it was home to laugh, play, shower and crawl into bed to start the day in just a few hours.

It's finally here!!!

Tanner and I attempting to display our varying fighting styles. Who would have thought we'd have a random theme? Not I.

There were zombies of all shapes and size, some with themes and some just showed up to play your average neighborhood zombie. The turn out was great and we managed to raise over 500 food items for a local shelter! It was time for one last blood soaking then we were off.

I was just a smidge bloody..

We walked all over the city, I can't get some of the pics up that I'd like. Needless to say a couple hours later we suffled into the bar to let off some steam.

Yeah... It was a dare we couldn't resist.

Back to the fun

This would be Zach, my boxing instructer. He's a great guy and hoot to have around

Needless to say, after the bar closed down, we piled into several cars and made a 24hour burrito run to Panchos.

I did luck out kinda, I knew this power plant was going down for repairs so I just happened to be in the area to offer my assistance.Have you ever considered becoming an SG?
You would make a sexy SG.