It's that time of year again.. Just a few more shopping days until Christmas. I can't WAIT for it to all be over. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and spending time with them is truely a gift. But BLOODY HELL, do I look like a baby anymore?
Oh the joy of older siblings.
Oh well.. such is life and I'll survive it again for another year.
I just recieved a wonderful massage last night... so i'm actually feeling better. THANK YOU ROB! You're my hero. There may be hope for my constant headaches after all.
The process of selling a house if fun, let me tell you.. It's even better when you have to keep in contact with your ex throughout the whole thing.
I just love having to talk to him daily...
Wow... i'm rather negative at the moment.. I think I'll romp off and find myself some food. It's off to spend time with friends, dinner, movies, and tasty drinks of an alcoholic nature.

Oh well.. such is life and I'll survive it again for another year.
I just recieved a wonderful massage last night... so i'm actually feeling better. THANK YOU ROB! You're my hero. There may be hope for my constant headaches after all.
The process of selling a house if fun, let me tell you.. It's even better when you have to keep in contact with your ex throughout the whole thing.

Wow... i'm rather negative at the moment.. I think I'll romp off and find myself some food. It's off to spend time with friends, dinner, movies, and tasty drinks of an alcoholic nature.
Do you have any plans for New Years ?