If you hate Mondays give me a hell yeah!
tongue hell yeah, but this monday i got more work down on my nitemare b4 xmas sleeve.

other than that they do suck
Finally another long week is over. Sweeps ended last week and then things pick up....got me a great new audio guy now so things have really cleaned up on audio...now I just need one for the noon show....hmmmm got any ideas?

Have good one!
Thank you for you comment on my set kiss
Thank you thank you doll ... but someone hacked the contest, so now I dont even know what'll happen with it.
I was in SECOND! SECOND!! uuuugh.....
Tis monday and the journey begins anew.
Back at work dealin' with the same ole same ole, nothin new.

Punchin' the shows editing the spots
trudgin' along with much to do lots and lots.

time ticks by and the day comes to a close
I find myself her viewing all the beauties with no closthes...

corny yes....
Nearly recovered am I..
Pain still sits....low upon me!

Ahhh the sights before me....

Not time for play...work work work...

YAY! Its Friday!

*music* ...got hundred dollars smokin' in my billfold,
I know i should save it but its burnin' a hole,
right through my pocket and into my skin
come monday mornin' I'll be broke again...
It's finally Friday, I'm free and clear
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And so the weekend makes it here.
Dull still is the pain and monday is only around the bend.

Soon be back to work for to be home another day would be
a sin. *sigh* To work I go....ahhhhh!
Because of the huge number of comments on my latest set... You are receiving this comment late and it is the same comment that I am leaving everyone else as well. I usually try to thank everyone individually and much more personal like, but I would just never in a million years have the time to do that this time. So, I just want you to know that I appreciate that you took the time to comment on my new set. It was very wonderful of you, and I'm sorry that my return comment is so impersonal. However, if you want to stop by my page and say hello sometime, leave me an email, whatnot I'd love to chat. I am nice to everyone that is nice to me.

So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.

Happy late Valentines Day! kiss biggrin
The Day began the same,
Awaken, breakfast, medication.

yet today the pain sits with me.
Nothing to do but suffer through.

The numbness eases, the pain is dull.
Still It sits with me.

Clothes need folin' and dishes need washin'
So much needs to be done...ahhh maybe
I should take more....hmmmm
mmmm... crown, my love. How I do love that sweet whiskey. I have a big ol hidden stash of it.
seems as though we should partake...hmmm
Another Day passes,
I see the bottom of the pill bottle.

Soon the pain will wash a way,
I will take my nap upon the couch.

Captain Sisko will command,
I will doze in and out.

Picard will take his turn at the helm,
I will awaken and....

The Covenant will pay dearly!
sounds like a good day
Yes A good day it was...
Bahhhhhh I've fallen and now I've numb foot and a pain in my back.....well at least I get a couple days off from work....
Oh boy can't wait! Sweeps begins tomorrow....let the stress level rise and the newsies asses pucker up tight...boys cause its raitings time...YEEEEEE HAAAAWWWWWW!
I look upon the light so VIVID and bright,
AHHH I'm blinded.

Ohhh I see sparklies in my eyes..,

I step forward, reaching ou....

SHiiiieeeeetttt...I have fallen!

Now darkness descends...*happy sigh* now's time to sleep! biggrin