DAMN being sick really S-U-C-K-S!!!!!

Fucking coughing and congestion....phlem...grosssssss!!!!!

*hack hack hack....spit*


I hate it!
Okay so here's the deal. I work for a local tv station as an AM Director. We pretty much do what ever we like. Have lots of fun and do our news and well whatever the hell we want.
So I have pretty much worked with a very wide variety of people from genius to total fuckin' dumbass and I tell ya I get stuck...
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Thank you darling!
What is it with me and thursdays.....Holy SHIT!!!! biggrin
It's another Thursday and I'm off...whooooo haaaaaa!!!!! Then the weekend ....hmmm how'd I do that...I don't care but it's great!!!!!!! ARRR!!!
It's thursday...one day closer to friday....but that don't mean shit cause I gots to work this whole friggin weekend...
BAHHHHH!!!!! mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad
boooo I hated working weekends, I'm so happy I don't anymore. EL SUICIDO LOCO EL SUICIDO LOCO EL SUICIDO LOCO Thanks for the comment on my set, I so need some stretchy pants.
Thanks for the set comments! kiss

Another day another dollar...
makes me want to fuckin' scream and hollar.

another day...another dollar
andther day...another dollar

The light changes from green to red
and life flows on on and on and on ahead
and then... you wake...

another day another dollar
another day another dollar
makes me want to fuckin' scream and hollar

another day..another dollar

Twilight comes and it goes
soon the...
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thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my set.

i'm so flattered you made me one of your favorites!! it's much appreciated, and i hope i stay there a while..
eh... another day another dollar...and another one spent..
Thank you so much for your comment on my set! kiss
I totally suck at this, as it's now one month on since my set went up, but here is my very very late thankyou for the comment! xxx
Just dropped a comment on my fav Suicide Girl....
Ya know who ya are!

Thursday...damn it finaly got here an at means tomorrow is Friday....hot damn...no OT for me this weekend hell no!
Now alls I nedd is a swift ass work day tomorrow so I can relax and maybe even do a litle bit o work round the house here in the middle of...
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Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my set!