Slightly late update, but here we go...
So what have I been up to the past few days? right, lets work backwards here, cos thats the only way i can function...
Sunday - Miro's Godparents came to stay for the weekend, so that was full of unnecesary jokes haha had coisants & pain au chocolat for breakie
then I went on a wild goose chase to find a DVD for mother-in-law around various blockbusters, including the one that doesn't actually exsist any more :S haha came back home, had a most excellent roast dinner
then drove off to Mile End to sell my synth to a nice ex student type
mmm wads of cash
hahaha erm... came home, watched top gear & went to bedland.
Saturday - Aforementioned Godparents were here from friday & after much wine and merriment, there was a fry up in the morning - yum! Then me & my beloved got ready and drove up to see my parents as it was my dads bday on thursday
so that was kool, hanging out with the rentals & my bro came over as well, which was ace. I cooked my famous stuffed peppers & that seemed to go down well... then after dinner, the baby photos came out... haha I was an awesome baby! haha then we promptly left and drove back home...
Friday - Work was death, as usual... didn't sleep very well & so was not fun getting up at stupid o'clock... but got home about 3ish just as Miro's Godparents rolled up... and most of the afternoon/evening was taken with retelling great whimsical stories of times gone by, and other rude things haha
Thursday - Can't remember much of what happened... but we went off to beloved Lakeside and Miro bought herself some nice new booties
women sure do love their shoes...
Wednesday - Too long ago, can't remember...
Well, wasn't that fun... hopefully were guna go see Quantum of Solace on weds, which'll be aces! yea!
oh, and don't forget to keep voting for Le Bain!

You stay classy, planet earth...
So what have I been up to the past few days? right, lets work backwards here, cos thats the only way i can function...
Sunday - Miro's Godparents came to stay for the weekend, so that was full of unnecesary jokes haha had coisants & pain au chocolat for breakie

Saturday - Aforementioned Godparents were here from friday & after much wine and merriment, there was a fry up in the morning - yum! Then me & my beloved got ready and drove up to see my parents as it was my dads bday on thursday

Friday - Work was death, as usual... didn't sleep very well & so was not fun getting up at stupid o'clock... but got home about 3ish just as Miro's Godparents rolled up... and most of the afternoon/evening was taken with retelling great whimsical stories of times gone by, and other rude things haha
Thursday - Can't remember much of what happened... but we went off to beloved Lakeside and Miro bought herself some nice new booties

Wednesday - Too long ago, can't remember...
Well, wasn't that fun... hopefully were guna go see Quantum of Solace on weds, which'll be aces! yea!
oh, and don't forget to keep voting for Le Bain!

You stay classy, planet earth...
i'll see if i can convince joe to go out.. but i doubt it.. we'll see Bow's going. I'll give ur lady a text tomoz night xxx