okay... so yesterday was eventful.
the march was cool. but when we got to the police station, it was getting dumb. there were all kinds of speakers ranting and raving about racism. i stood there and thought to myself, "i thought this was about police brutality... not racism?" the police senselessly brutalize everyone, not just blacks and mexicans. i get harassed just as much and the same goes for my friends. i am irish which essentially means im white, but if people want to bitch about their ancestor's being enslaved and taken advantage of by the white man then i have the right to jump on the bitching band wagon also. to anyone who has read a history book the irish we're treated just as badly as the blacks were back in the day. not only were there signs stating "no blacks allowed", there were also signs which read "no blacks, no irish" etc etc. and the irish people have a racist nickname also, "Mic's". now, i dont know why the irish are called mic's but i know it is a dorogatory term. so... what this boils down to is the police victimize all kinds of people. unfortunately, miniorities get the most of it, but I AM A MINIORITY also. i have blue hair, piercings, tattoo's and wear fucked up ripped clothes. people need to realize that pigs fuck with anyone strays from the norm. maybe the norm is white people, but the norm isnt me. it's rich middle-age fucks, and i am not one of those people. instead of rambling on about racism, those speakers should have spoken about discrimintion, period.
another thought that came to mind yesterday, the march was in no means a protest. when someone protests its an act of defiance. let me tell you guys, the pigs had the streets blocked off and they escorted the march through the city. in order for the cops to block off the streets a permit is reqquired. that means the "protestors" asked for fuckin permission. "hey mean piggies, can we parade though the city and tell people how fucked up your system is???" BOLLOCKS. this was a parade, not a protest. protesting would be to gather without asking the city if it was ok.
enough venting. i guess im done now. onto a lighter subject...
i had a photo shoot for Cirque de Sade which is a company of friends of mine. they design and produce bdsm equipment. it was tons of fun. we worked from 6pm-12. loooooooooooooong ass session. but it was a blast. i also got 4 pics from the 1st time we shot... when i can figure out how to post an image in a journal i'll show ya'll!!!
okay... i dunno what im doing tonight but my fingers hurt from typing with such passion. ahahah..
the march was cool. but when we got to the police station, it was getting dumb. there were all kinds of speakers ranting and raving about racism. i stood there and thought to myself, "i thought this was about police brutality... not racism?" the police senselessly brutalize everyone, not just blacks and mexicans. i get harassed just as much and the same goes for my friends. i am irish which essentially means im white, but if people want to bitch about their ancestor's being enslaved and taken advantage of by the white man then i have the right to jump on the bitching band wagon also. to anyone who has read a history book the irish we're treated just as badly as the blacks were back in the day. not only were there signs stating "no blacks allowed", there were also signs which read "no blacks, no irish" etc etc. and the irish people have a racist nickname also, "Mic's". now, i dont know why the irish are called mic's but i know it is a dorogatory term. so... what this boils down to is the police victimize all kinds of people. unfortunately, miniorities get the most of it, but I AM A MINIORITY also. i have blue hair, piercings, tattoo's and wear fucked up ripped clothes. people need to realize that pigs fuck with anyone strays from the norm. maybe the norm is white people, but the norm isnt me. it's rich middle-age fucks, and i am not one of those people. instead of rambling on about racism, those speakers should have spoken about discrimintion, period.
another thought that came to mind yesterday, the march was in no means a protest. when someone protests its an act of defiance. let me tell you guys, the pigs had the streets blocked off and they escorted the march through the city. in order for the cops to block off the streets a permit is reqquired. that means the "protestors" asked for fuckin permission. "hey mean piggies, can we parade though the city and tell people how fucked up your system is???" BOLLOCKS. this was a parade, not a protest. protesting would be to gather without asking the city if it was ok.
enough venting. i guess im done now. onto a lighter subject...
i had a photo shoot for Cirque de Sade which is a company of friends of mine. they design and produce bdsm equipment. it was tons of fun. we worked from 6pm-12. loooooooooooooong ass session. but it was a blast. i also got 4 pics from the 1st time we shot... when i can figure out how to post an image in a journal i'll show ya'll!!!
okay... i dunno what im doing tonight but my fingers hurt from typing with such passion. ahahah..
i used to live down the street from the El Capitan....oh how i loved the long line of gothy girls waiting for that movie!
I've never been to a protest rally EVER!!! Sound pretty interesting. I understand how you feel about the derogatory terms that people use......I hate all of the terms!!!!!