i got my herrr did'

i also got my whole lower half waxed over the weekend. ouch. i thought my vagina was going to be yanked off along with the wax. i dont think i have ever exposed myself like that so informally and impersonally before. it was more invasive than a trip to the gynocologist hahah.
saturday after work i went out to a local bar with a co-worker of mine. we had a fun time. i tried introducing her some guy at the bar and he flat out said "no!" stearnly and loudly where he was supposed to state his name and say hi. ouch. no love for my co-worker. that was embarassing ahah.
i talked to one of my friends who i havent seen in a few months. he is always touring so i never get to catch up with him. anyway, he said he had a funny story for me. he was saying that he had just returned from NYC a month ago or so and while he was there he was doing business with some dude. dude pulled out his laptop to do some work and my friend noticed that his wallpaper was of pictures of me. my friend proceeded to act like he didnt know me and ask this dude about the pictures. dude replied that name of the girl on the wallpaper was some chick named aiden who used to live in NYC. dude went on to tell my friend that when aiden lived in NYC that dude and her used to date. i guess this story went on for some time while my friend tried not to bust up laughing in his face. ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.
i have never lived in NYC and have never dated someone from NYC. up until the last year i was in a long term relationship and since then have only dated 2 guys, both from LA. and i dont think that they would have a bunch of pictures of me from my SG sets on their wallpaper. i think they both hate me now hahaha...
finally, to the dude who told this elaborate story to my friend: bravo! good job making yourself look like an ass infront of someone who really did know me! ahahah.

i also got my whole lower half waxed over the weekend. ouch. i thought my vagina was going to be yanked off along with the wax. i dont think i have ever exposed myself like that so informally and impersonally before. it was more invasive than a trip to the gynocologist hahah.
saturday after work i went out to a local bar with a co-worker of mine. we had a fun time. i tried introducing her some guy at the bar and he flat out said "no!" stearnly and loudly where he was supposed to state his name and say hi. ouch. no love for my co-worker. that was embarassing ahah.
i talked to one of my friends who i havent seen in a few months. he is always touring so i never get to catch up with him. anyway, he said he had a funny story for me. he was saying that he had just returned from NYC a month ago or so and while he was there he was doing business with some dude. dude pulled out his laptop to do some work and my friend noticed that his wallpaper was of pictures of me. my friend proceeded to act like he didnt know me and ask this dude about the pictures. dude replied that name of the girl on the wallpaper was some chick named aiden who used to live in NYC. dude went on to tell my friend that when aiden lived in NYC that dude and her used to date. i guess this story went on for some time while my friend tried not to bust up laughing in his face. ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.
i have never lived in NYC and have never dated someone from NYC. up until the last year i was in a long term relationship and since then have only dated 2 guys, both from LA. and i dont think that they would have a bunch of pictures of me from my SG sets on their wallpaper. i think they both hate me now hahaha...
finally, to the dude who told this elaborate story to my friend: bravo! good job making yourself look like an ass infront of someone who really did know me! ahahah.
Although what if he had Eric Estrada as his wallpaper and used the same story.....
That's some funny shit.