hello everybody!!! i made it back in one piece... god what a fuckin blast! i got hom monday night around midnight and i am still exhausted! i have a few pictures (i was too drunk most of the time to take pictures) but i need to upload them and crop and shit. i have had to work everynight since i got back but finally i have a day off... tomorrow! yay! so i'll try to get those pics up soon
i was kinda in cognito this weekend, so if any of you were there you probably didnt see me
although i was sitting outside of the block party for a couple hours getting drunk and talking shit to men wearing sandals. what is it with every guy in seattle wearing sandals??? down with mandals!!! unless you are jesus, men should not wear sandals ever. chicks dont dig seeing ugly gross feet.

i was kinda in cognito this weekend, so if any of you were there you probably didnt see me

i decide not to and i go to pull a one-footer manual outfront of my house foot slipa pedal bites and a nice canyon carved in my shin 18stitches 4hrs in the ER DR said i almost riped into a Muscle and would of destroyed a nerve fun fun and another battle wound but i will race again Haahaahaa