so Xmas came and went. i on the other hand, did not come. ahaha, sorry guys... bad jokes just pop into my brain without warning!
the last journal entry i wrote was not poetry, but nice try. it was seriously how i was feeling and still feel. comments and hugs help, but these are just the crosses i bear. anyway...
so i got a CD player installed in my car this afternoon with the xmas cash i recieved. its okay. not great, but hey im broke and i have to conserve as much as possible.
my ex boyfriend broke the cassette deck in my old-stock stereo and i was getting fucking FED UP with the radio, so i just had to accept the fact that I needed a to buy new stereo because no one was going to replace it for me. HOW DO YOU PEOPLE LISTEN TO THE RADIO? with all of the shitty music the radio plays and the talk shows and then to top it off... commercials? fuck that drama.
my mom told me that for xmas my gift from her was to take me and a friend to vegas. YAY! thsi will be the 1st time i've been to vegas since i turned 21 so now i can legally gamble and drink. we're gonna go to some show out there too like Cirque de Soleil or some shit like that. anyone have any suggestions of good vegas acts to see? someone told me something about this hypnotist/sex show... i was just as confused as you probably are reading this...
so now im off to a party. yay. dont i sound enthuiastic? the hotel tonight's party is at is this hotel we used to rock in my early high school days... hahah... so many good times at that place.
why cant it be like when we were kids?
aiden suicidal
the last journal entry i wrote was not poetry, but nice try. it was seriously how i was feeling and still feel. comments and hugs help, but these are just the crosses i bear. anyway...
so i got a CD player installed in my car this afternoon with the xmas cash i recieved. its okay. not great, but hey im broke and i have to conserve as much as possible.
my ex boyfriend broke the cassette deck in my old-stock stereo and i was getting fucking FED UP with the radio, so i just had to accept the fact that I needed a to buy new stereo because no one was going to replace it for me. HOW DO YOU PEOPLE LISTEN TO THE RADIO? with all of the shitty music the radio plays and the talk shows and then to top it off... commercials? fuck that drama.
my mom told me that for xmas my gift from her was to take me and a friend to vegas. YAY! thsi will be the 1st time i've been to vegas since i turned 21 so now i can legally gamble and drink. we're gonna go to some show out there too like Cirque de Soleil or some shit like that. anyone have any suggestions of good vegas acts to see? someone told me something about this hypnotist/sex show... i was just as confused as you probably are reading this...
so now im off to a party. yay. dont i sound enthuiastic? the hotel tonight's party is at is this hotel we used to rock in my early high school days... hahah... so many good times at that place.
why cant it be like when we were kids?
aiden suicidal
What do I gotta do to get a photo shoot with you?
will you Get a new set soon?