hey guys! whats up! fuckin a, i was in jail all last week! how fun huh? i dont have much time to go into details right now but i will soon like tomorrow afternoon.
anyways, check out the keep-a-breast organization's auction of my breast cast! guess who painted it??? fuckin taking back sunday!!!! thats so awesome! check it out on ebay just look for Aiden Suicide by Taking Back Sunday! there's only a short amount of time left to bid on the casts so get off your ass and check em out! the other lovely suicide girls casted were bee, xtine, posh, and a few others!
hasta manana!
anyways, check out the keep-a-breast organization's auction of my breast cast! guess who painted it??? fuckin taking back sunday!!!! thats so awesome! check it out on ebay just look for Aiden Suicide by Taking Back Sunday! there's only a short amount of time left to bid on the casts so get off your ass and check em out! the other lovely suicide girls casted were bee, xtine, posh, and a few others!
hasta manana!
lucky booby woman - i want a cast of my tits - decorated by a band
congrats....just not on the jail thing . . . .

Im SORRY if i where there i would payed your Bail i know it sucks to be there i was there 2 times once for 2 are 3 h and agin for 4 h for the same thing. take care