A long time ago, around '99 I think, I went on a family trip to various areas around southern Colorado. One of our stops was the 4 corners monument, in which we had to take a highway where I snapped this photo:
"The Devil's Highway", as it was nicknamed for obvious reasons, was rumored to be cursed, as it had a high fatality rate. This, of course, I found hilarious, and was happy it was part of our trip, and just had to get a picture of the sign. You'll never believe it, but we lived through it. I know, right? I totally got an A and some weird looks in my photography class for that picture, too!
Last night, I was playing around with Google Earth on my newly-rebuilt computer, because I may be somewhat nerdy, and upon glancing at the 4 corners area on the map, I was reminded of our trip down highway 666. I zoomed in to look for it, but for the life of me I just couldn't find it. I thought, "what the hell? I know I left it around here somewhere." Ok not really, but I did wonder what the hell. (no pun intended). So after giving up my search, I decided to use Google for it's original purpose and let it do the searching of the interwebs for me, where I came across this wikipedia entry. Apparently in 2003, highway 666 was renumbered to 491 due to "infamy brought by the inopportune naming of the road". This change coincided with construction projects to improve safety of the highway. Apparently removing the "curse" was part of that safety effort, which was done by changing the numbers, along with a ceremony by a Navajo medicine man. So much for the sacrificial goat ceremony I had planned for my next trip down there.
"The Devil's Highway", as it was nicknamed for obvious reasons, was rumored to be cursed, as it had a high fatality rate. This, of course, I found hilarious, and was happy it was part of our trip, and just had to get a picture of the sign. You'll never believe it, but we lived through it. I know, right? I totally got an A and some weird looks in my photography class for that picture, too!
Last night, I was playing around with Google Earth on my newly-rebuilt computer, because I may be somewhat nerdy, and upon glancing at the 4 corners area on the map, I was reminded of our trip down highway 666. I zoomed in to look for it, but for the life of me I just couldn't find it. I thought, "what the hell? I know I left it around here somewhere." Ok not really, but I did wonder what the hell. (no pun intended). So after giving up my search, I decided to use Google for it's original purpose and let it do the searching of the interwebs for me, where I came across this wikipedia entry. Apparently in 2003, highway 666 was renumbered to 491 due to "infamy brought by the inopportune naming of the road". This change coincided with construction projects to improve safety of the highway. Apparently removing the "curse" was part of that safety effort, which was done by changing the numbers, along with a ceremony by a Navajo medicine man. So much for the sacrificial goat ceremony I had planned for my next trip down there.