So I went in to my advisor meeting and told my advisor what I wanted to do. He seemed all for it and happy that I'd figured out what I really wanted to be doing. Then we looked at requirements for the art major...there are about 11 classes I'd have to take, which would put me behind by at least a year. And thenw e looked at where I was with the psych...I have four more classes left to take and I'm done... He just looked at me and said "welcome back."
So that's where it stands...I'm taking four psych classes and a spanish class. I can graduate on time if I take the four psych classes next semester, do an internship and a summer or winter course and then take the four gen eds I still need to do second semester next least that's good news! I won't be a super senior and I can be done with school!

You might actually have mi numero en su telefono.