Wow, what a week! Started out awsome, ended up evicted. I had Friday off work this week because I went to a strip club Thursday night with some friends and was out real late. Well on Friday I woke up to pounding on the appartment door and it was the Sheriff with an eviction notice. So now I'm back at my moms, so I need...
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I WANT TO WORK FOR SG.COM...I have to. It is my goal, I must work for this company graphics design...anything I think I am perfect , I love women, I love tecnology, I love meeting new people, I love everything about it!!! Just you wait one day...
man gl
all those people are local to me, Missy, Sean and all the original SGs...maybe if you moved to LA? 

One day.. it will be yours.. oh yes, it will be yours.

I went to see "The Village"....I want my fucking $7 back. JESUS CHRIST it licked balls!!!
yeah, i had a feeling it would...
i thought it was aight. it was only really scary for like 15 minutes though.
Whats new in my life? Besides the fast that I have spent the whole week watching the X-Files on DVD...not a whole lot, I also have been playing Spider-man 2 for the ol' XBOX. It sounds pathetic but it saves money. OH yeah and tonight, tonight I see The Village.....oooooo scarey. Besides all that, everyone and everything sucks.
*smiles* I'm always flatterd to be someones hero.. but why?
[Edited on Jul 30, 2004 1:56PM]
[Edited on Jul 30, 2004 1:56PM]
sounds cool
I did that before when my pal gave me all his Babylon 5 episodes he carefully taped off TV 

40 million dollar aircrafts haha. who would have thought.
I came across your post about Spider-man 2, and all the damn people in the theatre. I just wanted to say rock on, because I felt the same way. It's a pretty emotional scene, and Raimi was trying to say something; however, the fucking morons in the theatre didn't bother looking into it. Anyways, just thought I'd give you props for your comment.
I'm so poor, people need to send me money or some one needs to come and take me away from all of this.
i bet im more poor! yeah how you like that billy. i one upped your ass.
i'm so poor, when someone came to rob my house, i robbed him!!

The human race is the only species that can anticipate it's own death, therefore we created religion to give us some sort of relief to what happens next.
If there is a hell, it's gonna be one rockin party.
If there is a hell, it's gonna be one rockin party.
you missed out on the bible thumping i got last night. im going to hell because i dont find the middle finger to be offensive.
i like what JK Rowlins said about death through the voice of Dumbledore
"It is only the next step in life to the organized mind"
if i write with a great amount of sincerity, i think that the quote that youre using "we created religion" is either written by marks or nietche. my philosophy knowledge is 3 years too rusty
what is acting school like?
what do u spend most of your time doing or training?
"It is only the next step in life to the organized mind"
if i write with a great amount of sincerity, i think that the quote that youre using "we created religion" is either written by marks or nietche. my philosophy knowledge is 3 years too rusty
what is acting school like?
what do u spend most of your time doing or training?
hahahahhaaa. bob john. no *I* am th ecookie in the middle. YUUUMMMMM. eat me, bitch.
who am i billy.... jesus christ, you dont know what its like to work a real god damned job, all you do is party and makea fucking mess. some people gotta get up at 2am every fucking morning. haha
If a job depresses you to the point where you can't bare to wake up just because you know how bad it all sucks but yet its the only source of money...what do you do? Here's the catch I can't exactly go out and get a new job because my car is out of commision....
oh whatever... billy likes work. you just dont know it. at least you dont have to deal with really old people with liver spots and walkers complaining about how groceries are too expensive, and how eggs used to be 10 cents a dozen back in the 30's.
Tattoos and peircings on a woman in my eyes, show characteristic and lead me to believe that there is a mind to wonder through.
w00t w00t
billys making friends.
yeah-got the dvds. they work-huzzah! except the deleted scenes on "Pilot" are wonky and don't want to work for me, but oh well. I had fun this weekend being geeky and watching all the episodes I got.