It's been a loooong time. What have I done since I was last logged on. Well, I moved to L.A. and that shit didn' t work. Soooo, I went back home to Indiana and joined the Army. I have been in for a little over a year now. Currently I have sittin' my happy as in Korea now. Sweeeet.
So life is in the shitter yet again. Nothing seems to go right, EVER!!! I guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself. Oh well.
I made one of the biggest mistakes in my life and I'm doing everything in my power to fix it, but it seems like that might not be enough. I hate myself.
I made one of the biggest mistakes in my life and I'm doing everything in my power to fix it, but it seems like that might not be enough. I hate myself.

Happy Birthday!!!

Mistakes make life Interesting

It's good to be back on SG!

dude i just had the weirdest fucking dream. we were driving to meijer to buy candy bars, and we were listening to bands like cracker and candlebox, basically bands that wanted to be pearl jam and stp, but werent. anyways as we got closer to meijer cars were flipped over on the highway and these giant dead crawfish looking aliens were dead in the road.
Well, I'm meeting new people and this are going good here. I really want to get established as a photographer and get a portfolio started...that would be great. But as of now I'm applying for any job that comes my way. Hopoefully things keep going good.

I just realized I never really responded to you asking about the pick up and move option.
It's worked out well for me so far, and I'm sure it will for you too. The only thing that I'm having trouble with is finding a job. I think I was being a little too picky at first, only applying for about halg the things I could (which was still a lot) I had a lot of great interviews, but something about the job market right now.. I don't know.
Good Luck, and here's hoping that both our moves turn out as well as we hope. And if you're ever in San Francisco, I need a photographer, and it'd be fire photography, which is always fun and good for portfolios....... nudge nudge wink wink say n'more say n'more.
It's worked out well for me so far, and I'm sure it will for you too. The only thing that I'm having trouble with is finding a job. I think I was being a little too picky at first, only applying for about halg the things I could (which was still a lot) I had a lot of great interviews, but something about the job market right now.. I don't know.
Good Luck, and here's hoping that both our moves turn out as well as we hope. And if you're ever in San Francisco, I need a photographer, and it'd be fire photography, which is always fun and good for portfolios....... nudge nudge wink wink say n'more say n'more.
yeah vince yelled "happy fucking new year" on the tonight show. it didnt get censored, but then when they played it again at like 3, it was censored. made my new year
So, I'm staying with a friend for now here in Hollywood, until I can get out on my own but the person I'm living with right now is leaving for Xmas and the ol' landlord won't let me stay here when the renter is gone so, I'm shackin' up at a hotel on the corner of Vine and Melrose, Econo-Lodge baby!!!
! I need things...
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You're right next to my tatoo parlor. Bob Robert's Spotlight Tattoo. And just up the street from my shithole apartment.
hooray for billy. the only star left to see is lugosi's. you rock my friend. you rock.
Finally!!! I am here! Hollywood is amazing, the weather is beautiful and it is everything that I expected! Im lookin for people to meet and things to do. Email me for my cell phone number.
email me your number billy. i bought a new book, and jeans. JEANS i say! first time in about 10 years.
On Dec. 18th, 2004 I will depart from Indianapolis 4:15pm
Arrive Los Angeles 7:35pm...from there I will begin a new chapter in my life.
January 6th is my last day on SuicideGirls.
Arrive Los Angeles 7:35pm...from there I will begin a new chapter in my life.
January 6th is my last day on SuicideGirls.

rub it in lemmiwinks. haha. just be careful and good luck.
Yay LA!
Boo leaving SG
I have a few friends in LA, let me know if you need me to network anything for you.

Boo leaving SG

I have a few friends in LA, let me know if you need me to network anything for you.

California. here I come!!!!
How'd the interview go? Does that mean you have a job in cali? How exciting for you!!!
Well, things just went to hell in my life, and now I have nothing here, nothing to stay in this hell hole for. I need to get out of here, My dream is to escape to California, Start over find work find a new life. The only problem is I'm pretty much broke and have no place to stay, so if anyone out there is...
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There are several groups about employment and relocation. Just look around.

An interview with what?
Life is complete...Halo 2 Online is amazing!
I have started the SG Halo 2 Clan so check it out and join if you have Xbox Live and want so clan action!!!! Halo 2 Clan
I have started the SG Halo 2 Clan so check it out and join if you have Xbox Live and want so clan action!!!! Halo 2 Clan
started a halo sg clan. there already is one right now with something like 20 members so far. I think I sent you an invite to it before.
all my friends got zotted, left, or just lost interest in me due to my lack of interest.
Check out our meetup. It should be fun.