so I had a great week end... First I get a weeks suspension from work for some bs reason but I think I am going to let it pass since I had it comming for a while. Then I get asked out from some one I thought liked me, but then she never shows up with out a call. So when i did get ahold of her to tell her its over she goes "yeah I don't realy have time for a boyfriend". How sad is it that in this day in age young people would rather work than have a relationship. Am I the last sane person in the world that thinks relationships are better then crappy jobs. Oh well being single isn't that bad
I do think that I should start going to the gym... hey theres a first time for every thing. I should also start getting into more of my hobbies than I have been. I hope I can find a time to steal some claw from the high school, start taking more photo's and living a better life. Or I could just stay in my room some more.
10 points for who ever knows who that is

I do think that I should start going to the gym... hey theres a first time for every thing. I should also start getting into more of my hobbies than I have been. I hope I can find a time to steal some claw from the high school, start taking more photo's and living a better life. Or I could just stay in my room some more.

10 points for who ever knows who that is
banners for you

hey babe, this is late but i wanted to wish you a happy valentines