Sorry I’ve been MIA the last couple of weeks.
I’ve been in the process of a big move… left Ontario for the Maritimes. Finally made it here less than a week ago. I was “homeless” for about a week, staying with family during that time. Bitter-sweet seeing everyone for such a long time right before I left, knowing that I don’t know when I’ll see them again. I’ve never lived outside of Ontario (less a few months at a time abroad). I went from living in a crammed >600sf condo for years in a big city to a sizable house/country living. Surreal!
It’s a very strange feeling leaving Ontario… I keep saying “back home”, despite the fact this is my new home now. Lots of new things I’ll have to get use to, but I’m looking forward to the new chapter in my life. I’m most happy that my dog is happy with her new home, and that the move went well. Fingers crossed my stuff didn’t break in my moving pod. Pretty sure they shipped it via train, which is pretty cool if you think about it. Anyway, I was so worried she’d miss her freinds or not like her new home; but thankfully my dog loves it here, less the night time, but I can’t blame her for that last part because it is pretty scary out there after the sun is gone and the moon comes out haha. Especially coming from the city where all you see at night time is lights glowing in the evening, looking out the balcony and seeing endless twinkling lights in skyscrapers and cityscape, and trading it in for a sky filled with infinite real twinkling stars. I’m pretty sure I heard coyotes the previous night, and my water tester guy warned me of fishercats (amongst other things). Heard of them before, but never really knew what they were or put much thought into them. They are bat shit crazy & viscous animals that’s for sure.
Alright, I’m off to bed now. My moving pod arrives tomorrow AM.
Have you ever had a significant move/change of location? Or moved far away? How did you deal with the change? Did you like it? What did you like/dislike about moving? I would love to read some stories from everyone. :) :)
xx Agy