Wow, so my car window was smashed in, and my CD books stolen. God, that just sounds so stupid... you can't even sell them, so what then, they were just really hard up for some new tunes?
While I try to maintain little attachment to stuff, it is maybe a little disheartening losing those 300 CD's. How do you remember which to replace?
It will be fun though if my insurance covers them all, and I get to go 300 CD shopping. The trick though, is to make sure that I buy CDs with that money, and not wine/music gear.
Damn though... just writing "music gear" made me think of all the stuff I'd like to buy...
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While I try to maintain little attachment to stuff, it is maybe a little disheartening losing those 300 CD's. How do you remember which to replace?
It will be fun though if my insurance covers them all, and I get to go 300 CD shopping. The trick though, is to make sure that I buy CDs with that money, and not wine/music gear.
Damn though... just writing "music gear" made me think of all the stuff I'd like to buy...
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what would you need my sweet?
i'm interested but i'm not so savvy. i'll have to talk to my techie for a graphic or something.