hi my dears!
It's been a long and hard day at work. 11 hours are really heavy.
I'm tired and just want to fall into my loved xxl waterbed soon.
3 weeks left since my beloved scissors were stolen at work and i hate working with those small scissors i got left. the last two hours my boss gave me one of his countless scissors, a wonderfull inch and it feels so much better to work with this then with my little toy. next week on friday i will choose my new ones and this will be a great decision. like most of the hairdressers i'm totally into my scissors and i love japanese ones or even produced on the same way.
there is one blacksmith in germany who desings and manufactures great japan scissors on his own.
He does such a great work and i just dont know which one to take.
i want a 6,5 inch or a 7 inch. i love these big ones, it just looks awesome and always feels great too work with such long and powerful swords. does it sound too weird to say beautyful women with long scissors look sexy to me? so what, doesn't matter, cause thats it.
hot scissors:
It's been a long and hard day at work. 11 hours are really heavy.
I'm tired and just want to fall into my loved xxl waterbed soon.
3 weeks left since my beloved scissors were stolen at work and i hate working with those small scissors i got left. the last two hours my boss gave me one of his countless scissors, a wonderfull inch and it feels so much better to work with this then with my little toy. next week on friday i will choose my new ones and this will be a great decision. like most of the hairdressers i'm totally into my scissors and i love japanese ones or even produced on the same way.
there is one blacksmith in germany who desings and manufactures great japan scissors on his own.
He does such a great work and i just dont know which one to take.
i want a 6,5 inch or a 7 inch. i love these big ones, it just looks awesome and always feels great too work with such long and powerful swords. does it sound too weird to say beautyful women with long scissors look sexy to me? so what, doesn't matter, cause thats it.
hot scissors:

uh i just wasted too much time in looking for my new love. waterbed i'm coming!
good night sweethearts
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loving those scissors.