As your eyes open to a beautiful day before you,l present hope to strengthen you through your daily struggles,l believe in you to reassure you that your tasks at hand isn't lost but rather admired,l send love to you as you have been feeling heavy as of lately.
I want you to push forward and endure these long days,l want you to believe there is more for you,that you are worthy of so much more,and not to just settle as you have with playing the part handed to you,l see you are heavy in heart and are discouraged many days to muster up the strength and energy to get out of bed and deal with a so often cold world.
I know its hard the mind, the heart, the spirit, and body worn and tired and in need of release of compassion.Your the anchor for so many, the castle in which people confine in and come to in a moment of need,yet you give and give so much of yourself and receive little except the flutter in heart knowing you are there for many people and it comforts you.
I ask you to take a moment and receive that light and love you give so many,l ask you to take a moment and let another inspire you.Your struggles will last in a short amount of time,you my be tired and worn but l promise that soon enough your wounds will heal and you will become stronger for your expierences, you will see that each tear, each cut, each wound has help create the person you are today and if you aren't a victim but a survivor with a lot to over those whom suffer now,grow strong and see the power and voice you have,l empower you, believe in you, and adore you,now go wake up and inspire those around you because in hope you will rise.