You inspire me to share the waters in my heart with the world around me,may the waters of my light empower you to overcome your fears,dare to feel, express what's in heart and spirit with others,give you courage to love more even if others do no fully see its light and worth,there are guardians alike me whom hear your whispers and l acknowledge your existence,and struggles,your hurts and fears are all important and if no one else cares to hear of your life and walk l offer you council,l offer you refuge within my heart,an as you come into sanctuary let yourself wash clean all the darkness and alliw your spirits to evolve and embrace your core and existence fully to bring a out balance and inner peace,l empower you far and wide with the Hope in my heart and may you become more,achieve more with that hope,with that love , and knowing there are many whom see your worth and true power.I see you and am glad l came across you.And l hope you see yourself because you've turned into someone amazing,and not knowing you would be a shame,fortunately for me l get the chance to hear your story,question is will you share?