So finally I have had the chance to watch Avatar,and I must say this boy has fallen hard for a makeshift dream of Pandorum.I want to be Na'vi soooooooo bad,lol It was a amazing movie not only for the graphics but also for the storyline that fuses two worlds,one modern,and primal in sense of the Na'vi's sync with the planet,every living thing is meaning and so much is taken in from the simplest forms.It made me soar,made me soar so far in spirit as well in heart,because though it is a place of fiction it reflects that same situation here on earth.That the many who stand to protect Nature's voice and home stand alone against the corporations and companies whom seek to make profit of our natural resources.It makes me sad but the same sole fight is very much real amongst the many who are children of earth,as I am one andm any scattered far far along the other landmasses.As I say I am willing to die for this earth,to protect all life forms ifit be,I knwo the voice is shared with so many out there.I wish people find the meanings that are hidden in the movie,so damn many that speak of our actions and what it does.I jsut wish we could come together as one being and person of care and love instead of just greedy,arrogant human souls,Great Spirit weeps.
so do one! id love it =]
you pick!