I am truly inspired to see how many kind hearts and thoughtful minds that have come together in the times of Haiti's need.To see how many gifted hands that have risen from the general public to come to the aid of the people in Haiti.Thousands of people comming together in one common goal to ease the suffering of so many.All across the world we all are touching reaching out to pull from the ruins,the destruction,and agony,for our hands to soothe the broken dreams,the lost thoughts,and wounded hearts.It reminds me the humanity that is within so many people.To care,to attempt to understand the needs.We are all children of spirit,and with that I am so honored to say I live in a time where spirit is not gone.To be honest when I heard the new remake of "We Are The World" I weeped knowing that there are many who are alike me caring of life on Earth.I weep letting the sdong touch me knowing it is true so many care,and most of all I am still honored in what I do.
More Blogs
Friday Feb 05, 2010
As the night kisses the moon closer to the shores of our hearts,I sit… -
Friday Feb 05, 2010
This day is lovely my heart is beating,I have let many things go and … -
Monday Feb 01, 2010
I sing a soft song of agony,close to the hearts of those who forget, … -
Sunday Jan 31, 2010
I find memories to be the soft studded moments when pain is always re… -
Friday Jan 22, 2010
One day I will get things right,I will find one that is alike me and… -
Thursday Jan 21, 2010
The rain pours on in the suttle moment of purification falls down to … -
Wednesday Jan 20, 2010
Someone asked me a question not to long ago,the question was"If you s… -
Monday Jan 18, 2010
Fate rarely calls upon us in a moment of our choosing,but in this wor… -
Tuesday Jan 12, 2010
As the sun finally sets,and the cold winds blow clsoe to heart,I reas… -
Monday Jan 11, 2010
Yet another blow to me,another strike to bring me further down.So it …
Happy Valentine's Day Doll