A cat was shot with a bow and arrow in my paper today,it broke my heart to read that someone would harm a child of earth,someone would take the hands of cruelty and wound such a beautiful spirit as a cat.The arrow went in its back and out the other side,it was meant to kill "Tom" a male tabby cat black and white.He survived but his owners as well as the veterinary offices want answers to why somone would be so cruel to do such a horrid act.It made me weep to think of his pain,to feel that hurt that is given.I want to take it away.I read of these thigns in the newspaper,on t.v,and the web of people getting kicks being cruel to animals.It makes me weep it truely does to think someone would rather harm a child of earth for fun than need.I hurt because of it,it's because I having a caring heart,because I love in my heart and live to protect the lives of all that inhabit this earth.I know there is still good in this world,still light in it,look at me for instance,I know I am a good person,though I am scarred,twisted,and different.I know I am good,and I know I make a difference in what I do.
very true sweets! i have to say ditto to ur blogg! much loves 4 ya!
aww thats horrible