I do hate the arrogance people can have about beliefs that do not revolve around the sounthern hands of God.I was tonight enjoying the company of my family out in out outdoor den and as we were playing on the new karoke system my father and I was playing with the mics just asking questions back and forth,enjoying the calm and funny laughter of everyone,he said something about God and I simply spoke out saying that did not share his thoughts and he asked me what I meant and soI explained what it is I believe along the lines of religion and he got enraged that I do not believe in religion personally,thoguh I hold nothing against it and I enjoy learning vast and far of other's thoughts of life.I explained to him that I do not see religion because to me it is a error of conflict and causes hurt and pain as well as salvation and care.I am not involved with it ecause I see not Heaven and Hell but that of Creation of Spirit.I am Spiritual not religious,so we talkign about it and he and his wife laughed at me,amused and talking down to me on my views,proclaiming that I am stupid and if I do not share that of Christ's hand then I do not belong in his household.I told him I was entitled to my own beliefs and views in life,and he proclaimed that my thoughts are created illusions from the people I talk to online.Which is rather disturbing because I do not talk to alot of people here or really anywhere,and I am not one to "follow blindly".I hate that he does not recognize what is a part of me even thought my real father is gone and away,Ihe seems to down me because I follow what is natural to me.But I guess I will always be wrong for being myslef in his eyes.Wierd it is,they damn me for my opinions and views on amny things,tis why I very seldom voice my opinion on thigns becuae my adopted family damns me,they think I am stupid and rather slow,just because I keep to mylsef,I am free in tohught andm ind,heart and spirit?Because I enjoy being in earth and beign amongst little ones,because I am not "manly"who knows nothing of cars and sports,who does'nt look at women like my brothers do.I am the weird on e in the fmaiyl because I hold honor and virtue,yet they say they love me but do this kind of shit to me constantly,and he wanted to kick me out becuase I dont share his thoughts,and I told him I respect his thoguhts and I wish he would accept mine but no.So I don't know.
My father is a preacher, and I'm from eastern NC, so I understand. I don;t agree with the belief system that only one way is right way. I believe in many pathways to spirituality. I'm also a bit of a black sheep in my family. I'm sorry that a fun family thing became a fight, I think it's really sad that people can be so closed minded to other peoples feelings and thoughts. I think close mindedness is often out of fear of the unknown. Good luck with your family, embrace who you are even if it means going against the flow.