The voice that has never left the abused,the damned,and forgotten,the voice of hurt and pain that has beaten so many down,the hand that has pulled and ripped so many dreams from so many,shall not take your will.Forget the fear,forget the suffering,and being lost,for as there is breathe left in me I speak out I raise these scarred hands,to protect that of purity,that of compassion,and dreams,For as long as you dream on of a better tomorrow know I will take your hand,I will walk along side Dream and also Reality for soon they will merge as the sanctioned feelign of being alive,being someone,and also having a purpose.You must always remember no one can stop you,no one can hold you,and you are most of all Unbreakable.You dear have survived so many hardships,scarred,and brilliant with that of Karma Code within your Spirit you dear are power,strength,you are Salvation and let me say one thing Rise as we can and hopeflly should,you are a Child of Light,Let your Spirit bleed no more,for you have never been alone.Rise again,Stand Strong,and Fight for others Lost................
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Friday Jan 08, 2010
Hard to wake up and realize what comes during this cold day,seems lik… -
Thursday Jan 07, 2010
As the new year comes in and the old gone I sit here reflecting on al… -
Friday Dec 11, 2009
Though you may feel the cold lonely winds within you,the hollow icy e… -
Thursday Dec 10, 2009
The voice that has never left the abused,the damned,and forgotten,the… -
Thursday Dec 10, 2009
Even as the dawning of a cold light shines this fridged day I write w… -
Wednesday Dec 09, 2009
Hello loves within the last few months I've layed dormant from the wa… -
Wednesday Nov 11, 2009
Remember those soft mornings when the sun rose in to your eyes, The … -
Monday Nov 09, 2009
It means alot ot hear kind words in the darkest of hours for me it se… -
Sunday Nov 08, 2009
Sorry my dears,It's been a while since I've iven pasison,care,and lov… -
Friday Oct 30, 2009
I may not know you,hear your story,laugh with you,cry with you,and ev…