Hello loves within the last few months I've layed dormant from the warmth of words and the taste of that of light from the gift I give to so many,but I mut say things rise as they are set to fall.I have been gone as a sense of the living in the dormant state of a coma.Odd to speak in such a horrid way but I mist be honest to al those whom stay somewhat close,I've dedicated this voice to those whom have somewhat walked in and out fo eyesight.
Right now I sit here in my olden oak chair writing to you as I am at my father's,not many know of him the very man whom took me in as his and raised me partially off and on,but I am here now trying to heal around my family.Odd it is for I arrived 5 days ago.To come around smiles,warmth,and a familar sense of being loved,it was taboo to be honest to go from isolation to being here around so many faces I love,I care for even though they do not understand my ways,even though many things about me they overlook or deny,they still love me.So I stay here,until my brother arrives,you see if you may read on I will speak of these matters close to me,to almost drive the usual to insanity,but not me,I stay calm and cleanse spirit even though many dark nights I've fallen victim to that of of drifting away,but as spirit is bonded close I am tended to even though I am weak.I give it tomyself to say I am strong,a wounded healer to be exact.But not I am being tended to by the Salvation I know best in my life,the little smiles and kind tender hands that take that pain and hurt away.My Neices and Nephew take all that is darkness away,they these last few days have reminded me of happiness and love.Thanks to them I am slowly recovering,Sadly with the withdraw of not being at my brothers.
You see my ticket was ready thanks to a dear close friend,and because of her kindness I have been touched with warmth and a reminder that I am a good Man.I thank you so very much,I honor you daily with your light.But as that gift was handed to me to leave so quickly it was taken away.My damned Step Father took me to late to get my I.d took me to damn late to fix things thus I couldn't get my I.D,thus his twisted words,his cruel fittings set me off and thus i told him to drop me off at my Fathers,With nothing but what I had on I arrived to his house ,odd it was but he allowed me to stay.So I hjave managed with olden clothes and so forth,but my brother is comming in two weeks to visit and I will ride back with him and the girls.But it all I got to do is get my I.D.thus things will be good.But for those whom feel I've walked away or have denied your voice,I haven ot just trying to keep myself in good health even thoguh that has gotten better.To much worries,stress with me leaving and now I am here doing quite better,laughter,smiles,and me relaxing are now common here.I just hope things remain,I do worry thaty I have to go back over to my mtohers to be honest,i am for everytime I go back there things are stripped from me.But what it is is I am worried MY Father will not allow me to stay here until he arrives.But I am working on that.Hopefully things will be good I want to be around everyone.
So these are the short words which I gather.Things will be given back to al those whom seek council and guidance.I do want to say I have not forgotten those whom come for assistance,but as I heal my hands will grasp the Fallen once again.So listen close I am here,and I do care,so speak your voice for I lsiten,I care,nd I love you all for you are cared for,and know that you are not alone in that of the fight for spirit survival............And a note added for thoser whom care I went into a horrid seizure and spazismed out and went to e.r and well doctors told me of the illness thats consumed much of me these last two months that ym Gal bladder is not functioning right and is leaking bad poisons into my body,not doing well to be exact but I am trying to get back to you all........
Right now I sit here in my olden oak chair writing to you as I am at my father's,not many know of him the very man whom took me in as his and raised me partially off and on,but I am here now trying to heal around my family.Odd it is for I arrived 5 days ago.To come around smiles,warmth,and a familar sense of being loved,it was taboo to be honest to go from isolation to being here around so many faces I love,I care for even though they do not understand my ways,even though many things about me they overlook or deny,they still love me.So I stay here,until my brother arrives,you see if you may read on I will speak of these matters close to me,to almost drive the usual to insanity,but not me,I stay calm and cleanse spirit even though many dark nights I've fallen victim to that of of drifting away,but as spirit is bonded close I am tended to even though I am weak.I give it tomyself to say I am strong,a wounded healer to be exact.But not I am being tended to by the Salvation I know best in my life,the little smiles and kind tender hands that take that pain and hurt away.My Neices and Nephew take all that is darkness away,they these last few days have reminded me of happiness and love.Thanks to them I am slowly recovering,Sadly with the withdraw of not being at my brothers.
You see my ticket was ready thanks to a dear close friend,and because of her kindness I have been touched with warmth and a reminder that I am a good Man.I thank you so very much,I honor you daily with your light.But as that gift was handed to me to leave so quickly it was taken away.My damned Step Father took me to late to get my I.d took me to damn late to fix things thus I couldn't get my I.D,thus his twisted words,his cruel fittings set me off and thus i told him to drop me off at my Fathers,With nothing but what I had on I arrived to his house ,odd it was but he allowed me to stay.So I hjave managed with olden clothes and so forth,but my brother is comming in two weeks to visit and I will ride back with him and the girls.But it all I got to do is get my I.D.thus things will be good.But for those whom feel I've walked away or have denied your voice,I haven ot just trying to keep myself in good health even thoguh that has gotten better.To much worries,stress with me leaving and now I am here doing quite better,laughter,smiles,and me relaxing are now common here.I just hope things remain,I do worry thaty I have to go back over to my mtohers to be honest,i am for everytime I go back there things are stripped from me.But what it is is I am worried MY Father will not allow me to stay here until he arrives.But I am working on that.Hopefully things will be good I want to be around everyone.
So these are the short words which I gather.Things will be given back to al those whom seek council and guidance.I do want to say I have not forgotten those whom come for assistance,but as I heal my hands will grasp the Fallen once again.So listen close I am here,and I do care,so speak your voice for I lsiten,I care,nd I love you all for you are cared for,and know that you are not alone in that of the fight for spirit survival............And a note added for thoser whom care I went into a horrid seizure and spazismed out and went to e.r and well doctors told me of the illness thats consumed much of me these last two months that ym Gal bladder is not functioning right and is leaking bad poisons into my body,not doing well to be exact but I am trying to get back to you all........
Anything I can do for you?