Lonely nights are set listening to music of heart and passion,I long for warmth again,ache for the voice of compassion and care ringing to my ears with salvation,and care.So long do I ache for warmth of the heart,spirit,and mind.To taste that fruit of passion within me given fro mthe kind soft hands of a loving woman,Olden I am,but my hunger for these things are fierce as my will to live,It's a proxy to see that one who lives a selfless life,compassion and care given so easily upon humanity lies at night satsfied for what eh does but cries for the pain of being alone.Irony in the sense of emotion and spiritual longings,but neverless I pull on slowly doing the deads of a healer,but I often think on the day one may hear my voice,one who will accept my ways,and embrace me for who I am,to love and cherish my flaws and warm the heart again,breate is all I want,and to love with a kindred's touch,but denied I may be I stil have faith.
Lonely nights are spent remembering what used to be even though it was a dream,I long for warmth again,I hope and pray..........
