I'm quite irritated this lovely day in time,for as I wake I tend to keep to my work,and well as I have awoken today I have some rather pissy letters given to me,I give so much forth to people whne they ask for help and guidance,I am selfless and caring,but there is a major tendency for so many whom I assist in whatever it may be,most tend to walk away after they get what they want from me and it well doesn't bother me but today I recieved a letter from one whom I have helped for a long time to hear that he said basically that I assisted him and thats great but a bitchboy I will ever be for beign so willing to assist him.I don't get it really humans are rather tainted in thought and verse but neverless I do my part..................I just wish people would disconnect the head from the ass at times.Ughhhh.
Thank you for your kind words...they are greatly appreciated, especially now. I need a little pep talk
so where are you...you are quite adorable by the way