As the heart rises,as the night falls back into hiding I sit here within fire,warmth,and peace.Thoughts runn deep into my veins,deep into my virtue and morals.And I must say as each minute grows cold and falls into the past I must declair Corey Pridorium is truely a wonderous male creature.
As night faded into the dusk of a new day a new friend judged me,she cut and ripped atm e for the fact I smoke the herb.i smoke it not to get high but a method of being spiritually enlightened.I do it in highest respects for the elders of lost ways and arts.I pay my respects to the Cherokee way of life for I walk the path of olden and lost ways.I live and breath it the creed of the healer.Yet I was judged put down and now a friend sits in horror as I refuse to give that up.Now a part of my being.It makes me sad someone would even think of such a thing.Bullshit I say.Q!!!!!!!!1
As night faded into the dusk of a new day a new friend judged me,she cut and ripped atm e for the fact I smoke the herb.i smoke it not to get high but a method of being spiritually enlightened.I do it in highest respects for the elders of lost ways and arts.I pay my respects to the Cherokee way of life for I walk the path of olden and lost ways.I live and breath it the creed of the healer.Yet I was judged put down and now a friend sits in horror as I refuse to give that up.Now a part of my being.It makes me sad someone would even think of such a thing.Bullshit I say.Q!!!!!!!!1
meditation is always good. after i sleep though LOL