As another day wakes,and the dreams live on I am fueled and so strong but even I fall.For as I am so young I am very old.My heart,spirit,and mind walk slowly with knowledge and compassion.Alone I walk but I am proud of the being I am,a damn good man I must say.But tonight again my mother's wicked tougue cuts and tears into my flesh.He words bite and consume me with hurt and anger.For she knows who I am,what I am and she resents it.I've forgiven her for all the horrors whe's given to me,accepted her and loved her even though she once destroyed me.And all I get is cruelty.I don;t get it,I truely don't.Why do I walk like this and why does she resent and hate my being.It makes me quite sad.Touch I am but it still hurts.
For a mother to speak of you as dirt,as shit and useless.I hate it.I know I'm not but damn its my parent.She is drunk and bitter now.For I am stupid to believe I can walk to heal others.That I play and toy with people.It's not truw but it hurts.Soon I wil leave as directed
For a mother to speak of you as dirt,as shit and useless.I hate it.I know I'm not but damn its my parent.She is drunk and bitter now.For I am stupid to believe I can walk to heal others.That I play and toy with people.It's not truw but it hurts.Soon I wil leave as directed