Gone so far away as time withered and pain ceased to be felt I grew to become a beautiful beast.Walking with the armor of thousands of scars covering me making my skin thick and strong.Stab,kick,push,and bite away at my skin and yet no one can cut through it.I am Corey Pridorium,walk with me and feel the verses as they call and whisper into the deaf ears of societies fallen morals.Headed out into this sea of life,into the shores of reality I am lost looking for humanity,pain falls and redemption slides softly up as the lost mmory that attaches into the heartprint of honor and compassion.
For today I let my heart soar and I follow my thoughts with compassion and care.I am many things,so many names follow me,tasted like the fruit of passion for life I am the apple core thrown away in the winds of time.But I walk here with my bag,with my life ahead of me it flashes lightning of power and strength.I walk alone but far from my steps are the heroes born of spritual meaning.Lost within your pain and hurt I seek out those who have been broken,torn,shattered,and frayed.I sense them hiding in the darkest of nights longing for salvation to come,compassion to swim and soar high to protect them.To believe i nthem,to stand by them,to be the corage,the friend,understand,embrace,and lve them no matter what.I walk far and wide for the people.So many places I've gone,so much pain I've gathered and defeated,and in the wake of that fallen voice arises the phoenix of that once ark shadow.Shine bright as they soar as they walk there true path to do well.Let me embrace you,hear your pain,and consume it and open my loving being to you to heal and assist.I am nothing,but I am everything under natures keen eyes.See me for who I am or let me appear as nothing more than your typical human.I walk for you all.Give me your voice and I will go forth with wings of sullen grey to opcik up the weak and damned.Take my hand and we shalt soar,let me love andlet my voice be heard.Scream,aim,fire as truth is unleased.I am happy how and I want to express my love for so many here and know I am eternally here to care.Do not fray or be afraid but let me be that voice,that person to believe in you.....Let me
For today I let my heart soar and I follow my thoughts with compassion and care.I am many things,so many names follow me,tasted like the fruit of passion for life I am the apple core thrown away in the winds of time.But I walk here with my bag,with my life ahead of me it flashes lightning of power and strength.I walk alone but far from my steps are the heroes born of spritual meaning.Lost within your pain and hurt I seek out those who have been broken,torn,shattered,and frayed.I sense them hiding in the darkest of nights longing for salvation to come,compassion to swim and soar high to protect them.To believe i nthem,to stand by them,to be the corage,the friend,understand,embrace,and lve them no matter what.I walk far and wide for the people.So many places I've gone,so much pain I've gathered and defeated,and in the wake of that fallen voice arises the phoenix of that once ark shadow.Shine bright as they soar as they walk there true path to do well.Let me embrace you,hear your pain,and consume it and open my loving being to you to heal and assist.I am nothing,but I am everything under natures keen eyes.See me for who I am or let me appear as nothing more than your typical human.I walk for you all.Give me your voice and I will go forth with wings of sullen grey to opcik up the weak and damned.Take my hand and we shalt soar,let me love andlet my voice be heard.Scream,aim,fire as truth is unleased.I am happy how and I want to express my love for so many here and know I am eternally here to care.Do not fray or be afraid but let me be that voice,that person to believe in you.....Let me