To love,To give,To sacrifice,To understand.I flow unto these actions daily and thus in return I recieve heartprints.I love this earth,its people the nature and wind that change like the waters current.I give unto the people,my time,my thought,my emotions,and care.Within doing so I love this life for it gives me happiness to serveothers.Let me give unto you as I am free.I sacrifice my desires,my needs,my life,to help those in need,to walk far and wide when the voice cries for assistance.Let me help you when you fall,let me guide you,and take all that is pain and suffering,to replacei t with love.To understand the walks of life,the many paths, the calling in the night and the scream during the day,understand verses,understand the emotion,mentally,emotionally,spiritually.Let them flow as words of care and love for evermore peace fillls my heart.I love you all and only wish to be heard
thanks for your beautiful words left on the comment pages of my set!! Much love