My eyes,my dream has awoken me to salvation.As I dreamed in thought as I sleptthe faint cry of the clouds started to whisper in my ear.It called to me once again,grabbing me and waking me and lettig me know that a beautiful gift comes in this hectic moment in time.For the thunder laughs and calls my name to loudly tell me that tonight I shall be free once again.As each clap and roll I grow more awake more intune.The fire inside me rages on and grows as I will become one thith the storm.I have missed that the Georgia rain and thunder.My own personal paradise.I am in great need of that ,for lately my heart is worn down and with this it will make me soar higher.All I need is someone to hold my hand and enjoy it's beautiful embrace.
Well as the storm floats closer to my wounds I must say that I do respect everyone on here.or this is truely my escape from all I know.No walls consume me here and no fear of speaking my words tempt me but instead they eagerly push me to tell all of my thoughts.Here amongst the many I have found a plae that allows me to be who I really am.No strings attached or lies that are used but truth.I love every and each one of you all and know my heart beats for you all.I am proud to have met and interact with the kind spirits on here.I am blessed to seek refuge here and be accepted.I thank you all and know my heart races and jumps everytime someone hears my call.Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!
Well as the storm floats closer to my wounds I must say that I do respect everyone on here.or this is truely my escape from all I know.No walls consume me here and no fear of speaking my words tempt me but instead they eagerly push me to tell all of my thoughts.Here amongst the many I have found a plae that allows me to be who I really am.No strings attached or lies that are used but truth.I love every and each one of you all and know my heart beats for you all.I am proud to have met and interact with the kind spirits on here.I am blessed to seek refuge here and be accepted.I thank you all and know my heart races and jumps everytime someone hears my call.Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!