As this day has went slowly along,I've tasted new thoughts and I've once again offered my assistance to one who needs care.I do this repeatedly yet everytime I start to turn the lights on I seem to find it beautiful,I find it truely a masterpiece for I am so giving.Spiritually I even look at myself with stunnign eyes to see how I am willing to sacrifice all that I have to save just one spirit.I am one good man I must say,(well it depends on who your asking)But I am satisfied with what my calling is.It's so peaceful and yet so insane.I love it!!!!!
Well on other hands,I've decided to share a few of the very tenets I follow in my daily life.I would like to share them as a token of interest for those who ver read my rather boring blogs.But I know it will serve as guidelines to my fellow friends who walk as I do and are learinging now.I give these tenets to help assist those who seek some sense of understanding.
"The Tenets of Novus Spiritus"
The way of all peace is to scale the mountain of self.Loving others makes the climb down easier.We see all things darkly until love lights the lamp of our soul.
Whatever thou lovest,lovest thou.
Do not give unto Great Spirit and human pettiness such as vengeance, wrath, or hate.Negativity is man's alone.
Create your own heaven,not a hell.You are a creator made from Great Spirit.
Turn thy power outward,not inward, for therein shines the light and the way.
In faith be like the wind chimes:Hold steady until faith,like the wind, moves you to joy.
Know that each life is a path winding toward perfection.It is the step afterstep that is hard, not the whole of the journey.
Be simple. Allow no man to judge you, not even yourself, for you cannot judge Great Spirit.
You are a light in a lonely, dark desert who enlightens many.
Let no one convince you that you are less than a God.Do not let fear imprison your spiritual growth.
Do not allow the unfounded belief in demons to block your communion with Great Spirit.
The body is a living Temple unto Great Spirit, wherein we worshipthe spark of the Divine.
Great Spirit does not create the adversities in life.By your own choice they exist to aid in you perfection.
Karma is nothing more that honing the wheel of evolvement.It is not retribution, but merely a balancing of experiences.
Great Spirit allows each person the opportunity for perfection,whether you need one life or a hundred lives to reach your level of perfection.
Devote your life, your soul, your every existance , to the service of Great Spirit. For only there will you find meaning in life.
War is profane,defense is compulsory.
Death is the act of returning Home; it should be done with grace and dignity. You may preserve that dignity by refusing prolonged use of artificial life-support systems. Let Great Spirit's will be done.
These are the very words the very tenets that make me the healer I am.With each tenets they provide lessons as to being aware and open to who you reaally are and can become.If you have any questions please ask me for I am here to assst you all.Much love dearest darlings.
Well on other hands,I've decided to share a few of the very tenets I follow in my daily life.I would like to share them as a token of interest for those who ver read my rather boring blogs.But I know it will serve as guidelines to my fellow friends who walk as I do and are learinging now.I give these tenets to help assist those who seek some sense of understanding.
"The Tenets of Novus Spiritus"
The way of all peace is to scale the mountain of self.Loving others makes the climb down easier.We see all things darkly until love lights the lamp of our soul.
Whatever thou lovest,lovest thou.
Do not give unto Great Spirit and human pettiness such as vengeance, wrath, or hate.Negativity is man's alone.
Create your own heaven,not a hell.You are a creator made from Great Spirit.
Turn thy power outward,not inward, for therein shines the light and the way.
In faith be like the wind chimes:Hold steady until faith,like the wind, moves you to joy.
Know that each life is a path winding toward perfection.It is the step afterstep that is hard, not the whole of the journey.
Be simple. Allow no man to judge you, not even yourself, for you cannot judge Great Spirit.
You are a light in a lonely, dark desert who enlightens many.
Let no one convince you that you are less than a God.Do not let fear imprison your spiritual growth.
Do not allow the unfounded belief in demons to block your communion with Great Spirit.
The body is a living Temple unto Great Spirit, wherein we worshipthe spark of the Divine.
Great Spirit does not create the adversities in life.By your own choice they exist to aid in you perfection.
Karma is nothing more that honing the wheel of evolvement.It is not retribution, but merely a balancing of experiences.
Great Spirit allows each person the opportunity for perfection,whether you need one life or a hundred lives to reach your level of perfection.
Devote your life, your soul, your every existance , to the service of Great Spirit. For only there will you find meaning in life.
War is profane,defense is compulsory.
Death is the act of returning Home; it should be done with grace and dignity. You may preserve that dignity by refusing prolonged use of artificial life-support systems. Let Great Spirit's will be done.
These are the very words the very tenets that make me the healer I am.With each tenets they provide lessons as to being aware and open to who you reaally are and can become.If you have any questions please ask me for I am here to assst you all.Much love dearest darlings.