Linkin Park "New Divide"
I remembered black skies
The lightning all around me
I remembered each flash
As time began to blur
Like a startling sign
That fate had finally found me
And your voice was all I heard
Did I get what I deserve
So give me reason
To prove me wrong
To wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross
The distance in your eyes
Give me reason
To fill this hole
Connect this space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
Across this new divide
There was nothing inside
The memories left abandoned
There was nowhere to hide
The ashes fell like snow
And the ground caved in
Between where we were standing
And your voice was all I heard
Did I get what I deserve
So give me reason
To prove me wrong
To wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross
The distance in your eyes
Across this new divide
In every loss in every lie
In every truth that you deny
And each regret and each goodbye
Was a mistake too great to hide
And your voice was all I heard
Did I get what I deserve
So give me reason
To prove me wrong
To wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross
The distance in your eyes
Give me reason
To fill this hole
Connect this space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
Across this new divide
Across this new divide
Across this new divide
These very lyrics fall hard on my spirit and heart.For as every word presses into the heart and calls victory to me its the light that shines into this dark world.For to me this very song describes the path on which I walk.For as I was lost and useless to this earth my spiirt called upon my frozen hear and showed me the man I was to become.I've walked far and wide and tasted death,felt pain,shed blood,and tears to save and assist this earth.For I walk to help others and this is my life not a hobby or interest.It's what makes me a man,a healer,and warrior.Now in provided sense of insanity no,no,no.But the faith I have in myself and my spirit is so strong.I remain to take fire,and abuse and yet I push on to continue to help those who've fallen hard and need that one person to believe in them,to have faith,and love.I walk to help and protect humanity and its innocence.Now modern day virtue but the real voice hidden in the earth,in nature and,energy.
This song is a hit yes,but for me it's sharp on point to what it means for me to walk this earth and I love it tehe
I remembered black skies
The lightning all around me
I remembered each flash
As time began to blur
Like a startling sign
That fate had finally found me
And your voice was all I heard
Did I get what I deserve
So give me reason
To prove me wrong
To wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross
The distance in your eyes
Give me reason
To fill this hole
Connect this space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
Across this new divide
There was nothing inside
The memories left abandoned
There was nowhere to hide
The ashes fell like snow
And the ground caved in
Between where we were standing
And your voice was all I heard
Did I get what I deserve
So give me reason
To prove me wrong
To wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross
The distance in your eyes
Across this new divide
In every loss in every lie
In every truth that you deny
And each regret and each goodbye
Was a mistake too great to hide
And your voice was all I heard
Did I get what I deserve
So give me reason
To prove me wrong
To wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross
The distance in your eyes
Give me reason
To fill this hole
Connect this space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
Across this new divide
Across this new divide
Across this new divide
These very lyrics fall hard on my spirit and heart.For as every word presses into the heart and calls victory to me its the light that shines into this dark world.For to me this very song describes the path on which I walk.For as I was lost and useless to this earth my spiirt called upon my frozen hear and showed me the man I was to become.I've walked far and wide and tasted death,felt pain,shed blood,and tears to save and assist this earth.For I walk to help others and this is my life not a hobby or interest.It's what makes me a man,a healer,and warrior.Now in provided sense of insanity no,no,no.But the faith I have in myself and my spirit is so strong.I remain to take fire,and abuse and yet I push on to continue to help those who've fallen hard and need that one person to believe in them,to have faith,and love.I walk to help and protect humanity and its innocence.Now modern day virtue but the real voice hidden in the earth,in nature and,energy.
This song is a hit yes,but for me it's sharp on point to what it means for me to walk this earth and I love it tehe
Thanks, your words are so sweet and mean a lot to me. It's hard sometimes yes, but I think you are completely right about it's going to be his father missing out. But, thank you, you helped brighten my day