The winds change so fastly,the winds are cold and scorn at times of need.Restless and growning mute and blind once again from the lack of truth.Linger and burn the flames that lick at bite at your dreams and care.One again I am reformed and turned free into the wind.The feeling of peace falls into the cracks of Earths' virtue.
As I woke from one of the heaviest slumbers given to me since I've arrived in South Carolina I felt something bleak at heart.As my eyes covered in a vail showed me the day's bright shine I felt new.Something crawled forth with news and deployment to be accepted.My back broekn and my legs useless I lay cold and bearen to the warm touch of natures' embrace.I missed it for the mindless thought and empty rampages are given to the world of diversity.Let us dance to the self drawn addictions and alements of booze and tapstries of lines and straws.Boost the the world a wicked dance comming from the winds of desire.I to am human and this is the animal that prowls and twist likr butterflies in the stomach.I am free for I am the serpent so fill the poisoned kiss on which I have given.Love life anf fill it's touch.I am out.
As I woke from one of the heaviest slumbers given to me since I've arrived in South Carolina I felt something bleak at heart.As my eyes covered in a vail showed me the day's bright shine I felt new.Something crawled forth with news and deployment to be accepted.My back broekn and my legs useless I lay cold and bearen to the warm touch of natures' embrace.I missed it for the mindless thought and empty rampages are given to the world of diversity.Let us dance to the self drawn addictions and alements of booze and tapstries of lines and straws.Boost the the world a wicked dance comming from the winds of desire.I to am human and this is the animal that prowls and twist likr butterflies in the stomach.I am free for I am the serpent so fill the poisoned kiss on which I have given.Love life anf fill it's touch.I am out.