As I lay upon this cold hard floor thinking tired thoughts I only can see one that dances slowly in my mind.I have been so closed minded since her departure.I knew it would be a sad moment but I never knew it could be so hard.For as every moment ticks forward a brand new day I must sadly bow down to the world and think of that smile,that kiss,that touch.It haunts me,it crawls upon my heart an bites slowly the soft poison I've waited for an eternity.I do know one thing that as the days grow colder and the rain falls,I miss you.I am trying to pull myself from the gravel to walk and dart to your light,your energy.
Daily I sit here thinking of you,missing you more and more and afraid.For the moment that took the heart that beats inside me and ripped open with words of the days that just passed.I love you and miss you my dearesr Robbie and know that I want you to get better,I want to save you.To take your pain and consume it all and give you all that is good inside me to make you smile and feel better.I just can't wait to kiss you again and whisper that as long as you are by my side you will feel comfort.I just wish that there was more I could do to make you smile.Lap dances and cookie's are quite over-rated.Want a flower covered in ant????
Daily I sit here thinking of you,missing you more and more and afraid.For the moment that took the heart that beats inside me and ripped open with words of the days that just passed.I love you and miss you my dearesr Robbie and know that I want you to get better,I want to save you.To take your pain and consume it all and give you all that is good inside me to make you smile and feel better.I just can't wait to kiss you again and whisper that as long as you are by my side you will feel comfort.I just wish that there was more I could do to make you smile.Lap dances and cookie's are quite over-rated.Want a flower covered in ant????
I must say I have the sweetest guy in the World.....Loves me no matter what.....Hmmmmm...Feels Pretty Good.......Love you baby...
Thank you. She's my little angel.