Just imagine the thought of going to a club for the first time.To feel the rush of being able to dance with vast amounts of people and have a good time.To feel the rythmn inside the mind and body even before you get to the heart of that magic.My first night truely out with my cousin and her many friends.It was lovely and exillerant to form a posse of marine and model material.
So around 9.p.m I pierced my lip with a 16 gage. got out the shower nice and fresh dancing wile doing my hair to Basshunter totally feeling the true vibe of being smoothe.As I let my hair dry I put a little hair gloss in it.I shaved my facial hair and cut my side burns down to a lovely size.Still I banged my curly wet hair to Basshunter and jiggled on down to the groove.When I cam out I was shy at first because I saw two beautiful women on the couch and two new guys playing Guitar Hero"World Tour.I introduced ymself and we talked.I met Matt the Military buff and soldier and his beautiful wife.And met his friend who was Bulgarian and his friend who was tall and tanned long skinny legs and pierced.So lovely truely.I started to play some techno as My cousin and our roomate Sarah got dressed and I was taking shots of Jose with ym new friend Josh"another soldier".We got loose and we danced smoked some herb to enlighten the mood.Time flew by as we did shots and talked and before we knew it it was time to pill up 16 people to go party at Prana.Before we did thst my cousin who was wearing a short black dress with victory curls and bondage boots walked out and we rode out.Everyone was starting to roll and I simply gave out my hand and fed them all candy.THe mood got hott as we crossed onto the island to go to the club.We listened to some Drowning Pool as me,Haley,Andrew,Josh and Mike banged our heads.When we pulled in everyone took another roll and we got our free tickets and went in to play.We were the first there as there were only a few people in the club.A beautiful place with a lava bar and cages and love seats and leaking statues.It was odd but I was already feeling the rolls kick in as I started to prance around getting smoothe with ym friends as the music played awsome songs.About a hour later my cousin got in a cage and started to show her body off.As the night progressed I found myself warming up and getting spritiually hott as people poured in I got hyper and started to dance.I enjoyed it the thought.I am quite big and yet I break walls to have fun.I danced and danced and then people joined me rubbing against me and grinding me as I dance with my glow sticks.Met a few lovely ladies whom I preached the word of the might Sg's to and they were interested.I got a photographer's number to see if he would like to check out my work with my cousin.Met two gay guys who were the bomb and so damn sexy had to ask them if they were down for a photoshoot and along with a dyke.It was awsome I loved it.Got free drinks and danced my energy away as I sweat I mixed with the drunken crowd and opened up and danced with so many people.People enjoyed me and wanted to hang later but I couldnt cause my cousin.Like we rolled more and mored and I got more social and did my shit.Giggleing around and having body motion and got on stage and grinded with two lovely dancers.Taking my breathe away I preached more and more with my cousin assisting me I reached out to a feww poeople.I love it but it closed at 3.I met a girl outside who was from England and I asked if she modeled as she didn't so tonight I am going back with my Lieka(costs $2000) and hitting the club up doing my shit with the lovely babes of Prana.I loved it and cant wait to do it again.
As we got home I was sick messed up I noticed my body going into jolts and moving oddly as my fingeres started to twitch.I knew all to well my spirit was comming out to protect me.As Mike played so soft music to calm my nerve.I went to sleep.But when I awoke I was covered in water and Andrew was holding me down and Mike was holding my hand.He began bye pointing to the shower.Where my bakc was against the walls.I saw writings that was from my own hand talking about me Over dosing.So likethey told me how 5 minutes of being at the house I started to speak another language.I wnet to my bathroom and listened to John Two-Hawks going over a ritual.
When they found me I was mumbling and writing with hair dye about how I tried to O.d.I don't remember any of it but appearantly they locked me in amd tried to coax my spirit back inside me.I was supposelly jolting up snampping my fingers,Forward shaking my head continuelly,and writing when my eyes were rolled in the back of my head.I was posessed by my spirit Vental as he cared and nurtured my needs.The nI got angry wanted blood and tried to stab Andrew and was laughing and speaking cruel odd words.And they told me I began to speak with a accent as I progressed from Corey,To Vental, to a threatening spirit who was Fire based.The battled it until like 5:30 a.m and they were afraid I would hurt myslef or someone.So they stayed by me.I got re-awoken and found my cousins boyfriend upset so I took here in my bathroom and told her what she needed to not blow people she loved off.And how she ignored her own boyfriend for other men.Yea so Josh the jose guy freaked and tried to leave.So he went to his truck and cried and tried to fight us.So we let him chill and he passed out in the grass as we carried him inside before sunlight.Would h ave been a violation for the apartment lease.So he finally talked to my cousin and she told him she was not single and he blew it mad then he calmed and not he is out on the balchonyy speeping.Zak"Sarah's cousin" is drinking and in bed and Mike is naked passed out next to me and Haley and Andrew are asleep in her bed.And oh for our guest crashers they left when I fixiated.It was weird but okayThats my blog for these last few hours.I am kind of ditzy right now so be kind please.
So around 9.p.m I pierced my lip with a 16 gage. got out the shower nice and fresh dancing wile doing my hair to Basshunter totally feeling the true vibe of being smoothe.As I let my hair dry I put a little hair gloss in it.I shaved my facial hair and cut my side burns down to a lovely size.Still I banged my curly wet hair to Basshunter and jiggled on down to the groove.When I cam out I was shy at first because I saw two beautiful women on the couch and two new guys playing Guitar Hero"World Tour.I introduced ymself and we talked.I met Matt the Military buff and soldier and his beautiful wife.And met his friend who was Bulgarian and his friend who was tall and tanned long skinny legs and pierced.So lovely truely.I started to play some techno as My cousin and our roomate Sarah got dressed and I was taking shots of Jose with ym new friend Josh"another soldier".We got loose and we danced smoked some herb to enlighten the mood.Time flew by as we did shots and talked and before we knew it it was time to pill up 16 people to go party at Prana.Before we did thst my cousin who was wearing a short black dress with victory curls and bondage boots walked out and we rode out.Everyone was starting to roll and I simply gave out my hand and fed them all candy.THe mood got hott as we crossed onto the island to go to the club.We listened to some Drowning Pool as me,Haley,Andrew,Josh and Mike banged our heads.When we pulled in everyone took another roll and we got our free tickets and went in to play.We were the first there as there were only a few people in the club.A beautiful place with a lava bar and cages and love seats and leaking statues.It was odd but I was already feeling the rolls kick in as I started to prance around getting smoothe with ym friends as the music played awsome songs.About a hour later my cousin got in a cage and started to show her body off.As the night progressed I found myself warming up and getting spritiually hott as people poured in I got hyper and started to dance.I enjoyed it the thought.I am quite big and yet I break walls to have fun.I danced and danced and then people joined me rubbing against me and grinding me as I dance with my glow sticks.Met a few lovely ladies whom I preached the word of the might Sg's to and they were interested.I got a photographer's number to see if he would like to check out my work with my cousin.Met two gay guys who were the bomb and so damn sexy had to ask them if they were down for a photoshoot and along with a dyke.It was awsome I loved it.Got free drinks and danced my energy away as I sweat I mixed with the drunken crowd and opened up and danced with so many people.People enjoyed me and wanted to hang later but I couldnt cause my cousin.Like we rolled more and mored and I got more social and did my shit.Giggleing around and having body motion and got on stage and grinded with two lovely dancers.Taking my breathe away I preached more and more with my cousin assisting me I reached out to a feww poeople.I love it but it closed at 3.I met a girl outside who was from England and I asked if she modeled as she didn't so tonight I am going back with my Lieka(costs $2000) and hitting the club up doing my shit with the lovely babes of Prana.I loved it and cant wait to do it again.
As we got home I was sick messed up I noticed my body going into jolts and moving oddly as my fingeres started to twitch.I knew all to well my spirit was comming out to protect me.As Mike played so soft music to calm my nerve.I went to sleep.But when I awoke I was covered in water and Andrew was holding me down and Mike was holding my hand.He began bye pointing to the shower.Where my bakc was against the walls.I saw writings that was from my own hand talking about me Over dosing.So likethey told me how 5 minutes of being at the house I started to speak another language.I wnet to my bathroom and listened to John Two-Hawks going over a ritual.
When they found me I was mumbling and writing with hair dye about how I tried to O.d.I don't remember any of it but appearantly they locked me in amd tried to coax my spirit back inside me.I was supposelly jolting up snampping my fingers,Forward shaking my head continuelly,and writing when my eyes were rolled in the back of my head.I was posessed by my spirit Vental as he cared and nurtured my needs.The nI got angry wanted blood and tried to stab Andrew and was laughing and speaking cruel odd words.And they told me I began to speak with a accent as I progressed from Corey,To Vental, to a threatening spirit who was Fire based.The battled it until like 5:30 a.m and they were afraid I would hurt myslef or someone.So they stayed by me.I got re-awoken and found my cousins boyfriend upset so I took here in my bathroom and told her what she needed to not blow people she loved off.And how she ignored her own boyfriend for other men.Yea so Josh the jose guy freaked and tried to leave.So he went to his truck and cried and tried to fight us.So we let him chill and he passed out in the grass as we carried him inside before sunlight.Would h ave been a violation for the apartment lease.So he finally talked to my cousin and she told him she was not single and he blew it mad then he calmed and not he is out on the balchonyy speeping.Zak"Sarah's cousin" is drinking and in bed and Mike is naked passed out next to me and Haley and Andrew are asleep in her bed.And oh for our guest crashers they left when I fixiated.It was weird but okayThats my blog for these last few hours.I am kind of ditzy right now so be kind please.

we should be friends
your dog is cute. what breed?

wow what a nite, how you been