Hey SG, what's good? Stuck in Japan at the moment, not too bad, considering last time I was here, it was winter.. Complete opposite this time.. Reminds me a bit of Guam in the middle of summer. Wonder how hot it is there.. Been out to sea for a bit, and it doesn't even seem to me that there's even a light at the end of the tunnel.. I've gotta start planning ahead though, because there might actually be one. Now to figure out which college I want to go to.. Or if I want to wait a year and save up, so I don't have to work. I'd rather just work on school full time, have time to go to the gym, and get back into shape.. This military thing has gotta me so out of shape.. You'd think it'd be the other way around, but I joined the wrong type of military. Submarines. I don't know what I was thinking back then.. "You mean like, submarines? Like going underwater in them? Hell yea! Sign me up!" FML. Anywho.. I'll be around for a bit, hit me up.
Random Photo. Looks like it should have a Sailor Jerry logo on it or something.

Random Photo. Looks like it should have a Sailor Jerry logo on it or something.