So on my break today, I decided to walk through the (s)mall, and ended up stopping in at Walden Books, because I wanted to get my little brother a book for Christmas. I originally intended to get him a copy of American Gods (Neil Gaiman), but the lady at the door told me that all the books were buy 4, get the 5th book free. And they had exactly 10 of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels. And they were less than half the price of American Gods. So the Milledgeville Walden Books no longer has any Discworld novels. Sorry guys. There were two copies of The Last Continent, so I know one of them will be going as a gift, but I don't know if I can part with any of the rest. Is it wrong to read a book before giving it to someone if you're careful not to damage it?
jonnytrrrash7: them!!
i see you're a fan of the dismemberment plan, and also have six string samurai listed as a favorite film. that is just too cool.