So it's been a bit. Hi everyone, and thank you for your birthday greetings! I DID indeed have a happy Birthday, and it must have been from the help of all your well-wishing. Yay!
Anyway, I'm on vacation now, and I've been having fun. I went to see The Mountain Goats/John Vanderslice show Monday night, after spending a fun day in Atlanta. Yesterday, I spent the day in Athens, and went to the Sleepytime Gorilla Museum concert at night. It was hella fun. I wish I'd had a chance to let people know I was going to be in town(s) so perhaps I could have persuaded people to be at the concerts and hang out with me. Anyway, my friend whose internet I am borrowing wants to leave, so I'll give more details later!
OK, here's the more. First, Atlanta.
My friend skipped work and play rehearsal. We tried to go see Chihuly in the Garden, but for some unknowable reason, the botanical gardens are closed to visitors on Mondays. So we ended up in Little Five Points, where I regretfully did not buy the t-shirt that said "Combovers: the hairstyle with a sunroof." But I'll get over that someday. I did, however get a couple of mythology books from A Cappella bookstore. Then we went and ate at Ru San's, which was, of course, awesome. Then we had to go back to Myke's parents' house to meet his girlfriend because she didn't know how to get to the venue. So his mom fed us sweets and stuff, and we hung out there for a bit before heading over to The Earl. Let me just say at this point that The Earl is a spectacular venue for acts like The Mountain Goats & John Vanderslice. And the show was SOOOOOO GOOD!!!! First, John Vanderslice and his band played, and apart from some dude who we called "Mark McGrath" because of a slight resemblance, it was an awesome set. The reason I say apart from Mark McGrath is that he was right up front and really fucking awful. I mean, I'm all for having fun at a rock show. Dance! Clap your hands! Make merry! But do not thrash around to John Vanderslice and nearly injure several short girls near you. Do not almost pull the monitor onto the floor. Don't stand right up front and blow smoke in the singer's face. This guy was behaving as though he were at a Limp Bizkit concert. I can't even begin to tell you how disconcerting it is to have a one-person mosh pit going on at a John Vanderslice show. Then The Mountain Goats played. Great set. It was a really good show. By this time, Mark had wandered off somewhere, thank goodness. At the end, everyone og tup on stage and they all played a few songs together and it was awesome. If anyone was there and got, or knows someone who got a picture of the Johns sharing a mic at the end, let me know, because I really want one.
Yesterday, it was rainy and awful, and I nearly didn't go to Athens at all. I decided to go anyway, and I had an ok time, but the rain got worse, and I almost decided not to stay for the show, but the guy at Low Yo-Yo talked me into it. He said his band was opening, and since I really only see him as the mild-mannered record clerk, I thought it might be interesting to see him in a different role, plus, I really did want to go to the show. And I regret staying not one bit. Garbage Island, the opening act was ok. It was noise, and that's not really my thing, but it definitely was interesting to watch. Then, it was time for Sleepytime Gorilla Museum. Since last I saw them, they've gotten a new percussionist and added an interpretive dancer. Also, I feel this would be a good time to point out that between the two bands, they had twelve members, and the show was at the Caledonia, so the number of band members and number of audience members was roughly equal. Anyway, the SGM show has gotten even more theatrical since the last time I saw them. This time, they began by having the drummer up on stage reading from a large, hymnal-like book. The rest of the members processed from the back through the audience. Carla (vocals, violin, etc.) had a ratchet. Nils (vocals, guitar,etc.) had a censer, com0plete with burning incense. The new percussionist had a bell, and Dan (vocals, bass, etc.) was carrying a huge banner. We were all asked to hum and yell along at the appropriate times. It was very cool. They had the intrepretive dancer on a box right in front of Nils through the show, and I couldn't see him very well because of the dude in front of me, but it definitely added to the show. I realized that they are the only band who I really listen to because of their intrumentation and use thereof, chord structure, use of meter, etc. They're basically my music geek band. Don't get me wrong though, the live shows are fucking mindblowing. I think everyone should see at least one Sleepytime Gorilla Museum show in their life. It's a hard show to know how to react to at first, but by the end, you'll be a fan for life. And definitely see the live show fresh, don't try to listen to their music beforehand. Keep it a surprise, and I promise it will be an unmatchable experience. GO SEE THEM AND THEN BUY THEIR ALBUMS AND POSSIBLY ALSO T-SHIRTS!
Anyway, I'm on vacation now, and I've been having fun. I went to see The Mountain Goats/John Vanderslice show Monday night, after spending a fun day in Atlanta. Yesterday, I spent the day in Athens, and went to the Sleepytime Gorilla Museum concert at night. It was hella fun. I wish I'd had a chance to let people know I was going to be in town(s) so perhaps I could have persuaded people to be at the concerts and hang out with me. Anyway, my friend whose internet I am borrowing wants to leave, so I'll give more details later!

OK, here's the more. First, Atlanta.
My friend skipped work and play rehearsal. We tried to go see Chihuly in the Garden, but for some unknowable reason, the botanical gardens are closed to visitors on Mondays. So we ended up in Little Five Points, where I regretfully did not buy the t-shirt that said "Combovers: the hairstyle with a sunroof." But I'll get over that someday. I did, however get a couple of mythology books from A Cappella bookstore. Then we went and ate at Ru San's, which was, of course, awesome. Then we had to go back to Myke's parents' house to meet his girlfriend because she didn't know how to get to the venue. So his mom fed us sweets and stuff, and we hung out there for a bit before heading over to The Earl. Let me just say at this point that The Earl is a spectacular venue for acts like The Mountain Goats & John Vanderslice. And the show was SOOOOOO GOOD!!!! First, John Vanderslice and his band played, and apart from some dude who we called "Mark McGrath" because of a slight resemblance, it was an awesome set. The reason I say apart from Mark McGrath is that he was right up front and really fucking awful. I mean, I'm all for having fun at a rock show. Dance! Clap your hands! Make merry! But do not thrash around to John Vanderslice and nearly injure several short girls near you. Do not almost pull the monitor onto the floor. Don't stand right up front and blow smoke in the singer's face. This guy was behaving as though he were at a Limp Bizkit concert. I can't even begin to tell you how disconcerting it is to have a one-person mosh pit going on at a John Vanderslice show. Then The Mountain Goats played. Great set. It was a really good show. By this time, Mark had wandered off somewhere, thank goodness. At the end, everyone og tup on stage and they all played a few songs together and it was awesome. If anyone was there and got, or knows someone who got a picture of the Johns sharing a mic at the end, let me know, because I really want one.
Yesterday, it was rainy and awful, and I nearly didn't go to Athens at all. I decided to go anyway, and I had an ok time, but the rain got worse, and I almost decided not to stay for the show, but the guy at Low Yo-Yo talked me into it. He said his band was opening, and since I really only see him as the mild-mannered record clerk, I thought it might be interesting to see him in a different role, plus, I really did want to go to the show. And I regret staying not one bit. Garbage Island, the opening act was ok. It was noise, and that's not really my thing, but it definitely was interesting to watch. Then, it was time for Sleepytime Gorilla Museum. Since last I saw them, they've gotten a new percussionist and added an interpretive dancer. Also, I feel this would be a good time to point out that between the two bands, they had twelve members, and the show was at the Caledonia, so the number of band members and number of audience members was roughly equal. Anyway, the SGM show has gotten even more theatrical since the last time I saw them. This time, they began by having the drummer up on stage reading from a large, hymnal-like book. The rest of the members processed from the back through the audience. Carla (vocals, violin, etc.) had a ratchet. Nils (vocals, guitar,etc.) had a censer, com0plete with burning incense. The new percussionist had a bell, and Dan (vocals, bass, etc.) was carrying a huge banner. We were all asked to hum and yell along at the appropriate times. It was very cool. They had the intrepretive dancer on a box right in front of Nils through the show, and I couldn't see him very well because of the dude in front of me, but it definitely added to the show. I realized that they are the only band who I really listen to because of their intrumentation and use thereof, chord structure, use of meter, etc. They're basically my music geek band. Don't get me wrong though, the live shows are fucking mindblowing. I think everyone should see at least one Sleepytime Gorilla Museum show in their life. It's a hard show to know how to react to at first, but by the end, you'll be a fan for life. And definitely see the live show fresh, don't try to listen to their music beforehand. Keep it a surprise, and I promise it will be an unmatchable experience. GO SEE THEM AND THEN BUY THEIR ALBUMS AND POSSIBLY ALSO T-SHIRTS!
Wow, sounds like a great two days!
I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday, too. I saw Chihuly in the Garden, a few months ago, it's pretty cool.

Sounds like busy days! I'm ordering a shirt from It says, "I Fucked The Girl In Hanson"