Well, all my shit is in the new place, but unfortunately I don't have internet there. I'm currently chillin' wit' my friend Myke. Though "chillin'" is perhaps not the appropriate term, being that it's HOT AS BALLS HERE! But nevermind that. The important thing is that I'm getting moved in and I like my new apartment. I've got the bathroom almost completely decorated. I painted it a color that my friends dubbed "Crissee-fuck pink," which I think about sums it up. If that room were any cuter, I'd die every time I went in there. And that would suck, because it's a bathroom, and I need to go in it. In other news... I still have a job. That's really it, just the job and the move. I hope you're all doing well!

it's hot here too.....happy new apt. living!
i need to see a deathly cute bathroom!