I'm totally falling for Modest Mouse. It began when I first heard Float On and was unimpressed. But the more I heard it the more I liked it, and eventually I totally loved it, so I downloaded the new album, Good News for People Who Like Bad News. At first, I loved Float On, but was non-plussed about the rest of the album. A couple days later, I can't get enough of it. The more I listen to it, the more I love it. It's a great album. I'm trying to download more of their stuff, especially The Moon & Antarctica (as recommended by Myke). I've been warned that the sound is much different, but I haven't really been able to find out yet because I can't download anything else. Bah.
Yesterday was "Be Gay for a Day." They had instructions on how to be gay if you're straight, or how to be straight if you're gay, but nothing about bi, so I just went asexual for a day. I didn't touch myself or hit on that hot guy in Quizno's or look at Nixon's new set or anything. Today is "Discreetly Give The Finger Day" and I'm hella excited. My favorite so far!
Yesterday was "Be Gay for a Day." They had instructions on how to be gay if you're straight, or how to be straight if you're gay, but nothing about bi, so I just went asexual for a day. I didn't touch myself or hit on that hot guy in Quizno's or look at Nixon's new set or anything. Today is "Discreetly Give The Finger Day" and I'm hella excited. My favorite so far!
you should invest in all their albums
i felt the same way at first too. A Long Drive........ is a good albulm too