Shite man. I was totally planning on going to ATH fest, and then I realized that Porn Weekend here in the village is the same weekend. And I CAN'T skip Porn Weekend. I mean, when else can you sit around an apartment with like 15 people and watch bad porn on a huge projection screen?
Nowhere that I know of. Damn! I really wanted to go to ATH fest, but PW wins out over almost anything. I guess I'll have to go record shopping the next weekend.
On a slightly more awesome note, I got the apartment I want! I went paint shopping today. I'm thinking Pear Green for the kitchen, Sunbeam for the living room, Cosmo Pink for the bathroom, and Marbled Violet for the bedroom. The landlady said no dark colors, so I got some light bur bright shades instead. I would've used this color for the kitchen no matter what though, pear is my favorite kitchen color. I'm so excited about the apartment. I can decorate it myself, and have a cat, and NO ROOMATES!!!! No roomates, no noisy college student neighbors, and no more university housing. It's a MUCH smaller apartment, but it's cheaper, and I can afford to go back to school once I get out of university housing. Yay for the new apartment!! Not to mention that for the first month, my "buddy" will still be living next door.

On a slightly more awesome note, I got the apartment I want! I went paint shopping today. I'm thinking Pear Green for the kitchen, Sunbeam for the living room, Cosmo Pink for the bathroom, and Marbled Violet for the bedroom. The landlady said no dark colors, so I got some light bur bright shades instead. I would've used this color for the kitchen no matter what though, pear is my favorite kitchen color. I'm so excited about the apartment. I can decorate it myself, and have a cat, and NO ROOMATES!!!! No roomates, no noisy college student neighbors, and no more university housing. It's a MUCH smaller apartment, but it's cheaper, and I can afford to go back to school once I get out of university housing. Yay for the new apartment!! Not to mention that for the first month, my "buddy" will still be living next door.

I guess I'll just have to go to ATH fest next year.
I don't mind the kids. I find them funny and cute. It is some of the teenagers and adults that get on my nerves. The stares are not too bad besides the "I can't believe that you are walking in public like that!" look and the really rude and awful comments that a few like to shout out at me.
I can stand the south a good bit, but after being here for so long, I'm just sick of it. I'm ready to move. Especially after finding so many people who are like me that live in other states and where they get less hasle.
Plus also I'm getting sick of the GA weather. It never makes sense and is always hot, even in late fall.