I have to get out of this crappy country soon. Again I was reading the newspaper and became angry!! Every day I bump into something that makes me more disappointed in this shit. FINLAND IS NOTHING FANCY, people!!!
Stupid people in charge, greedy motherfuckers pulling strings and lazy people who behave like lambs and never say anything about anything. Only thing good here is clean water in Lapland but greedy reindeer herders and lumberjacks are going to fuck that up too sooner or later.
Greed is what is putting this system down. In ten years Finland is going to be a developing country and we have capitalists to thank for that. Please someone, come and take me away from here!! Please, anyone, anywhere, help me!!!!!
I love my life but this shit is getting ridiculous.
Stupid people in charge, greedy motherfuckers pulling strings and lazy people who behave like lambs and never say anything about anything. Only thing good here is clean water in Lapland but greedy reindeer herders and lumberjacks are going to fuck that up too sooner or later.
Greed is what is putting this system down. In ten years Finland is going to be a developing country and we have capitalists to thank for that. Please someone, come and take me away from here!! Please, anyone, anywhere, help me!!!!!
I love my life but this shit is getting ridiculous.