Hey Everyone! Vegas was great. I left the day of the big arrest in London and thus had to repack at the last minute and then head for Target as soon as I stepped off the plane, but one should always be flexible when traveling. I only wish I had longer than just the weekend. Will probably go out for Christmas next. Would love to post pics but totally forgot my camera bag in my rush to repack and catch the plane. Next time. Hope you are all doing well!
P.S. Have any of my Vegas friends been to the Strip Club/ Steak House? I laughed so hard when I heard the commercial. My husband said the idea made him a little sick to his stomach. I am totally curious.

P.S. Have any of my Vegas friends been to the Strip Club/ Steak House? I laughed so hard when I heard the commercial. My husband said the idea made him a little sick to his stomach. I am totally curious.

My husband had to fly to Mexico after the whole London thing so it was even harder for him to pack. Customs and all. YIKES. I'm glad you had a good time and yeah, no vacation is ever really long enough!
Thanks for the nice words in my journal. Some people's kids don't have any manners. That guy, is one of those people. He's started an argument with my husband now and is making NO sense there either. Oh well, maybe he'll grow up one day. (at 37 I'd assume he'd done that but I guess not)
We should shoot some time!