I went to oregon for a week. It was one of the best weeks of my life.
I arrived thursday night and hung out with my siblings. it was refreshing as I have not seen them in seven years. We sat around and shot the shit til we passed out, then on friday I got up and went and got my rental car. I rented a dodge avenger, and I wish I would have been able to get something else, but it was all they had on short notice. It is perhaps the biggest piece of shit on the market, it has no pick up, poor acceleration, poor handling at high speeds and a relatively low capacity for maintaining speed. I am ashamed such a car is made in my homeland. Its like a really pussy version of the G6, which is a pussy version of my grand prix. bleh.
Anyway I went up to the albany area on friday night. I was heading up to Hopey's house, but I got myself lost. I drove past a field where two guys were burning a tractor, and I hauled ass (as best as the wussvenger could) back to where I was supposed to be. I arrived somewhat late, but there were people in the yard moving a portapotty so I jumped out and helped. I didnt know anyone and they took me in and treated me like family, I helped as much as I could and after alot of jameson crashed on a couch that was far too small for such a big agent.
Saturday I helped alot more with set up and hung out with some great people. Then the most beautiful and moving wedding ever transpired, and I was happy to be there. It fucked with my head a bit, made me think I might need a girlfriend eventually, but I got over it once I started drinking. I wont go into alot of detail about the wedding, except to say kilts, bagpipes, roasted pig and the best asian tempei salad ever, hah hah. I failed to get involved with karaoke at the reception, much to my own dissapointment, but I was just not real high energy once it started and didnt really feel Burnin Love, Sabotage, or Baby I love your Way happening. Hah hah.
Sunday I headed back to Eugene and spent a good part of the morning alone, much needed. I went and saw Halloween (which I loved) and did some shopping before heading back to meet up with my sister. We then went out to the coast and I climbed about on the Hacieda (something like that) jetty and swam in the freezing ocean. It felt great to have the sun set over me. I was sad to leave, but it got dark and I got hungry.
I went to some oldtown section of somewhere and had dinner with my siblings. I mistakenly ordered clam chowder, and thought I could get it down but such was not to be. The salad was great, but the clam chowder found itself all over the boardwalk and the dock below.
I sat up and watched a movie with my sister and caught up on seven years of missed time. Then we crashed and on monday did all sorts of necessity stuff, followed by a big family dinner that went pretty well. I went to the bar with my little brother and we way overdid it, and I was amazed not to be hung over the next morning.
Tuesday, my last full day there, my sis and I stole some old letters from my dads things that my mother had written when I was a baby. It was some fucked up shit and I might have thought a little more of my mother if I never read them, but it gave me some serious perspective on my personal history and how much I was lied to in my life. It was hard and brought me to tears, but gave me alot of understanding and resolved alot of my inner conflict.
I came home and now I am wide awake, it being almost four but my body still being on west coast time. Perhaps I will sleep anyway, I think I go to a baseball game soon.
I arrived thursday night and hung out with my siblings. it was refreshing as I have not seen them in seven years. We sat around and shot the shit til we passed out, then on friday I got up and went and got my rental car. I rented a dodge avenger, and I wish I would have been able to get something else, but it was all they had on short notice. It is perhaps the biggest piece of shit on the market, it has no pick up, poor acceleration, poor handling at high speeds and a relatively low capacity for maintaining speed. I am ashamed such a car is made in my homeland. Its like a really pussy version of the G6, which is a pussy version of my grand prix. bleh.
Anyway I went up to the albany area on friday night. I was heading up to Hopey's house, but I got myself lost. I drove past a field where two guys were burning a tractor, and I hauled ass (as best as the wussvenger could) back to where I was supposed to be. I arrived somewhat late, but there were people in the yard moving a portapotty so I jumped out and helped. I didnt know anyone and they took me in and treated me like family, I helped as much as I could and after alot of jameson crashed on a couch that was far too small for such a big agent.
Saturday I helped alot more with set up and hung out with some great people. Then the most beautiful and moving wedding ever transpired, and I was happy to be there. It fucked with my head a bit, made me think I might need a girlfriend eventually, but I got over it once I started drinking. I wont go into alot of detail about the wedding, except to say kilts, bagpipes, roasted pig and the best asian tempei salad ever, hah hah. I failed to get involved with karaoke at the reception, much to my own dissapointment, but I was just not real high energy once it started and didnt really feel Burnin Love, Sabotage, or Baby I love your Way happening. Hah hah.
Sunday I headed back to Eugene and spent a good part of the morning alone, much needed. I went and saw Halloween (which I loved) and did some shopping before heading back to meet up with my sister. We then went out to the coast and I climbed about on the Hacieda (something like that) jetty and swam in the freezing ocean. It felt great to have the sun set over me. I was sad to leave, but it got dark and I got hungry.
I went to some oldtown section of somewhere and had dinner with my siblings. I mistakenly ordered clam chowder, and thought I could get it down but such was not to be. The salad was great, but the clam chowder found itself all over the boardwalk and the dock below.
I sat up and watched a movie with my sister and caught up on seven years of missed time. Then we crashed and on monday did all sorts of necessity stuff, followed by a big family dinner that went pretty well. I went to the bar with my little brother and we way overdid it, and I was amazed not to be hung over the next morning.
Tuesday, my last full day there, my sis and I stole some old letters from my dads things that my mother had written when I was a baby. It was some fucked up shit and I might have thought a little more of my mother if I never read them, but it gave me some serious perspective on my personal history and how much I was lied to in my life. It was hard and brought me to tears, but gave me alot of understanding and resolved alot of my inner conflict.
I came home and now I am wide awake, it being almost four but my body still being on west coast time. Perhaps I will sleep anyway, I think I go to a baseball game soon.
I need to go to Necto again. I miss our shinanigans.
I try to keep the hot piping.